

Glamour & Airports: 4 Tips On Eating Clean While On The Road

As a pro wrestler and centerfold model, I've lived half my life on the road. I remember when traveling wasn't utter torture; you could bring a gallon of distilled water on the plane with you the day before a photo shoot!




Obviously, post 9/11, no one stopped to think about the inconveniences to travelers who do not live conventional lifestyles. And I can tell you there is next to nothing to eat in an airport that doesn't contain a craploads of corn syrup and sodium.



TSA regulations, confiscations, flight delays and lack of quality food can make or break

you for a photo shoot or show.TSA1


The average person out there can't really comprehend what it is we do or the amount of time, energy and planning that goes into our training. They also don't understand exactly what level of dedication goes into our food prep or how we need to eat every 2-3 hours.

Getting the quality food you need in order to attain your goals is tough in a day-to-day routine, but that quadruples when you have to hit the road.


For those who travel, you absolutely need to be resourceful.  Here are four tips to keep you on the right track.


TSA2(1)   You are allowed to bring food and canned protein drinks through TSA if you claim you're diabetic to the security officer checking your bag. By law, they cannot confiscate your meals in case of medical need. Expect them to swipe your food and canned drinks separately, as they'll have to test them in order to allow you to keep them.


(2)   You probably won't be allowed to take the ice block in your mini cooler. Get around that by making your own ice bags freezing Ziplocks full of water.


(3)   Call ahead to your hotel and let them know you'll need a refrigerator in your room because you're a diabetic. They'll have to accommodate you (free of charge) in this situation.


(4)   Pick up a mini-Foreman grill or hot plate.  Add Pam cooking spray, paper plates, plastic utensils and a spatula and this should meet all your cooking/meal preparation needs.


Is my advice ethical? Probably not. But when you've sacrifice so much already, and this is how you make your living, it's the ONLY way to get around the insanely difficult rules implemented for "our security". You make your own judgment calls.


I would advise you to learn about Type I and Type II diabetes in case you end up with a sympathetic TSA agent who IS a diabetic themselves and feels like a chat.


I would love to hear from you. You can reach me at:

http://www.AprilHunter.com and http://www.twitter.com/AprilHunter


April Hunter




Footnote ADA & TSA: http://prd-ada-app01.imc2.com/advocacy-and-legalresources/discrimination/public_accommodation/travel.jsp

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