

Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Tau’Mee King

Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Tau’Mee King 


Category you compete in: Bikini  MG 2702

Date of birth: 09-25-1987

Hometown: Tahlequah, Oklahoma 

Career: Personal Trainer 


Competition history: 

Dallas Europa 2012 class A place 6th

Texas State 2012 class A place 2nd

NPC Nationals 2012 class B place 8th

NPC Pittsburgh 2013 class A place 4th

Junior Nationals 2013 class A place 7th

NPC Southern States Class A place 1st


Next competition: NPC nationals 


How has your life changed since you adopted this lifestyle and started competing?

My lifestyle changed dramatically in almost every way possible. I have always had a love for sports and fitness, but never dieted in my life. I went from maybe spending 30 mins to 1 hour in the gym to 3 hours, and eating what I wanted to a very strict diet. I think the biggest changes came with my diet. I was defiantly someone who lived to eat, I loved my food and that was what most gatherings focused on. Changing my diet changed my lifestyle, and I no longer live to eat, I eat to live. I think that the dieting is the most difficult thing to change and is more mental than anything. It is still a daily struggle to keep focused on the ultimate goal but that is something that makes getting on stage so rewarding the process it takes to get there. I have learned so much about myself and how strong I am, not just physically through dieting and training. It is something I wish everyone could experience as well. The strength and confidence you can gain through achievingBacksideNats goals you set is something that a trophy can never replace or anyone can ever take from you. That is one of the biggest changes that has happened since I started competing and I couldn’t be happier. At times yes it is a love hate relationship, but the end result I wouldn’t change for the world. 


What have you found to be the best way to balance family, friends, career, this lifestyle, etc…

First I had to learn that this was a choice I was making and not everyone else in my life too. Once I got that in my head it made everything much easier. Not everyone will understand the changes or time constraints being made, it is important to remember they didn’t decide to make them so do not push your new life on the ones around you. It’s easy to get caught up in what you are doing as a competitor, but I always try to remember to put my family first and competitions second. The number one thing I always try to remember is that there are still more important things in life than competing. It’s so easy to let this lifestyle consume your life completely but it’s important to keep things in perspective. 


If you could change places with one competitor for the day who would it be and why?

Yeshaira Robles is such an inspiration to me. She has a family and still is able to balance her fitness life. She is beyond sweet, caring, and encouraging. Some people in this industry go straight to the top fast. I know how hard she has worked and overcame not always placing 1st and still working just as hard. As she is about to walk onto the Olympia stage I would love to trade places with this beauty. 


Name two of the most inspirational people in your life and tell why they inspire you.

My parents have always been the most inspirational people in my life. I will start with my mother. She is one of the most hard working and kind people that I have had the pleasure of being around. She has taught me so much about being a lady and how to treat others. I wouldn’t be who I am today without all the love and support she has given me through the years. She never missed a game, show, spelling bee, or anything I ever did. She was always my biggest fan and has stood behind me with all that I have done. She always gives and never expects anything in return. She inspires me daily to be the best woman I can be and someday the best mother possible. My father has taught me so much about strength, love, and discipline. My father is one of the strongest people I know. He taught me from a young age the importance of discipline in all walks of life. He has always been the backbone of our family and shown me what strength really is. He is one of the biggest reason I have the strength and dedication to live this life. He taught me that to be great at something you have to work hard and make sacrifices. I have always looked up to his dedication and work ethic my whole life, and my inspiration to strive for success.


Tell one recipe or  MG 2742supplement you can’t live without.

It would have to be my protein, making a protein shake or pancake can curb my sweet tooth. Protein is just a quick and easy meal to add to daily routines. My protein pancakes are very simple; water, protein, oatmeal, and egg whites. 


Tell about a typical training day for you.  What exercises, how many sets/reps…etc…

When I am training lower body I stick to high reps and 3 to 4 sets. I keep the weight low since I have a thicker lower body.  Squats, using the smith machine is my favorite it allows you to keep proper form if you are squatting alone. I also like to use the smith machine for stationary lunges. The butt machine, leg extensions, leg curls, and leg press are a few of the exercises I always do. 


In closing, Who would you like to give a shout out to?

My amazing husband, he is my best friend and rock. He has always believed in me, and my dreams even when I haven’t. I wouldn’t be able to do all of this without his support and love. I would also like to thank Team Bella, my amazing team and coach Rob Rosetti for always giving me so much support and amazing programs to follow. My sponsors Beyond Your Nutrition for all the amazing support and supplements. 



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