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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On IFBB Womens Physique Pro: Beth Schneider

Spotlight On IFBB Womens Physique Pro: Beth Schneider

Category you compete iBeth S.-275-Editn: IFBB Women’s Physique
Date of birth: 9-19
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Career: Sales Consultant at Park Place Premier Collection: Rolls Royce, Bentley, Maserati, Jaguar, and McLaren

Competition history:
2013 Master's Nationals, Pittsburgh, PA, 1st Place, Women’s Physique, Earned Pro Card
2012 Master's Nationals, Pittsburgh, PA, 2nd Place, Women's Physique

2011 Arnold Amateur International Championships, Columbus, OH, 7th Place, Open Lightweight

2010 Nationals, Atlanta, GA, 4th Place, Open Lightweight
2010 Masters Nationals - Pittsburgh, PA, 2nd Place, Lightweight
2010 Arnold Amateur International Championships, Columbus, OH, 3rd Place, Open Lightweight
2009 NPC Nationals -9th Place, Hollywood, Florida, Open Lightweight
2009 Heart of Texas – Overall Champion & 1st Place in both Lightweight & Masters, Dallas, TX
2009 Europa in Dallas– 1st Place in Lightweight & 2nd Place in Masters, Dallas, TX
2009 Lone Star Classic - 1st Place in  Lightweight & Masters & Selected as Best Female Poser for entire show, Dallas, TX
2009 Ronnie Coleman Classic - 11th Place in Figure A & 13th Place in Masters Figure (decided I needed to switch to bodybuilding after this!), Dallas, TX

2012 Master's Nationals, Pittsburgh, PA, 2nd Place, Women's Physique

2011 Arnold Amateur International Championships, Columbus, OH 6th Place, Open Lightw010 Nationals, Atlanta, GA, 4th Place, Open Lightweight
2010 Masters Nationals - Pittsburgh, PA, 2nd Place,


In your opinion, how important is motivation and confidence when aiming to accomplish a goal?
Being motivated to accomplish a goal is the key to deriving the most from each day that we are given. Motivation pushes us to stand up when we get knocked down, to do more than you think you can, to see the goal in your mind that you want to accomplish, to make the vision become reality, to push yourself harder than you thought possible, to stay focused with the end in mind when the imMasters Rxmediate task seems impossible, to be passionate about what it is that you truly desire in your heart and know you must do everything to make it happen with every bit of effort you have. You must be confident in yourself and know that your dreams and goals are possible. Trusting yourself to go beyond your comfort zone is the first step to having the confidence needed to reach your goal.

In your eyes, what combination of hard work and natural ability is needed to reach the top?
There is no substitute for hard work both in and out of the gym. Natural ability may possibly make the road quicker and seem easier to many but the effort regardless of natural ability must be put forth at the highest level in all areas, mentally and physically, for each individual as you just expect more from yourself no matter what your ability may be. 

What are some motivational strategies that you have or currently work for you?
Currently, I have been looking at pictures of the Olympia athletes and seeing where I can improve as I expect myself to reach the stage with them.  I keep the vision in my mind and think of it each day and know these athletes have done whatever it takes to get there and if I want to do the same I must also do whatever it takes each and every day in and out of the gym. I get encouragement from people and know if they are watching me as a pro athlete I must train and set an example of what it takes to achieve these goals.

Give me some examples from your life where confidence has helped you to achieve?
Probably one area was being confident enough in myself to pick up and move by myself to another state after a difficult time in my life. I was confident enough to know that no matter what, I have the ability to turn adversity into opportunity and create a new life with new dreams and new goals to reach.

What do you find the most challenging about competing?
I do love the journey but probably the most difficult is the sacrifices it takes to give all the effort and time that it requires. Most people will never understand the preparation, time, the rest, the mental and physical demands that it requires and may expect more of you than you have left to give at times. When you work 12 hours a day with only a day off it is hard to get everything done. It is hard knowing you may have to hurt someone’s feelings because you have a million things to get done but you only have this timeframe to put forth all your effort for this one moment on stage. If you are doing a show, it may seem selfish to others but you are only doing what it takes to be your best. 

What are your top 5 key strategies for success?
Love what you do.
Visualize your goal.
Keep track of your daily progress.
Have a plan and trust the process.Beth S.-382-Edit
Be prepared always.

What is your favorite protein powder? Why do you like it?
I actually have my own line that I started when I was training clients full time. I seem to turn my hobbies into a business and decided I should do the same with this. I created a line for women, Her Whey by Body by Beth Fitness. My “Chocolate Temptation” is my favorite. Tastes great and having chocolate is like having dessert to me! I plan on doing more with my line now and taking it to the next level as I had a great response to it.

Favorite Inspirational Quote:
“To dream anything that you want to dream. That’s the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.”

In closing, who would you like to give a shout out to?
First would be to my children, Eric and Haley. They have both been supportive through all the years, good times and tough times, and knowing that I have inspired them in any way to be their best means more to me than anything. They have accomplished so much and both just graduated from college and have great jobs and careers ahead of them. Also I want to thank my Mom and Dad and family who always stand by me.

The other is Sagi Kalev. You may know him now as the creator of Body Beast. He trained and coached me and took me on my journeys to the stage. His knowledge and inspiration in all areas to be the best person and competitor I can be is with me always. I can’t thank him enough for all he has done to get me here. More to come!

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