

Spotlight On IFBB Womens Physique Pro: Dre’ Dillard

Spotlight On IFBB Womens Physique Pro: Dre’ Dillard

Category you compete in: Womephoto 3n’s Physique
Date of birth: 11/14/62
Hometown:  Newport News, VA live In Dallas TX
Career: Certified Personal Trainer, Group X Instructor

Competition history: 1999 1st Place and Overall Heavyweight Bodybuilding, Texas State Championships, 2000, 2003 1st Place and overall Heavyweight Bodybuilding at the Jr. Nationals. 2002 Nationals Heavyweight Bodybuilding 4th Place.  2003 Nationals Heavyweight Bodybuilding 9th Place, 2013 Masters Nationals 1st and Overall Women’s Physique 45 and over. 

Next competition: First Pro Show Sometime 2014

In your opinion, how important is motivation and confidence when aiming to accomplish a goal?
Extremely important.  If you do not have self-motivation and you rely on someone else, you will not pull out your true potential.  You cannot fake confidence.  At the end of the day you can try to pretend that you are confident in reaching a certain goal, but when you are by yourself in a quiet room, it will show that you are insecure with all the self-doubt.  That I’m sure is a terrible feeling. 

In your eyes, what combination of hard work and natural ability is needed to reach the top? I say you need both of course.  Hard work goes without saying.  You cannot do what I do and not work hard.  Your physique will suffer and you will never place at a show.  You have to SACRIFICE to get your butt on stage.  You have to eat clean 24/7 while prepping for a show.  That isn’t easy.. Where natural ability comes in for me I am a very strong willed person.  That comes from my father being a Colonel in the Army and then me being a Captain in the Army when I served.  You have to be determined to win.  Nothing will stop you.  If it does, dust your ass off, tie up your boots and try again.  

What are some motivational strategies that have or currently work for you? I have God in my life for #1.  Without him I am nothing.  My son motivates me aphoto 2s well.  I had my son late in life.  I was always told that I could not have children, and then I got pregnant at 43 years old.  Miracle child he is.  I want to show him that when you set your mind to something GO FOR IT until you get it.  BOOM!!!

Give me some examples from your life where confidence has helped you to achieve?
I took 10 years off from competing.  I really thought I was done.  Since I was always told that I was too SMALL for Bodybuilding, Physique was perfect for me.  I picked the Masters Nationals 2013 and ass to the wall from there.  Once I made up my mind there was no turning back.  At time there was a little voice saying, you took too much time off, you are not going to look as good as you did “back in the day”.   I knew that was the devil because I looked better than I did back in the day.  When I was getting ready for this show, I was really ready 4 weeks out.  I have NEVER been in that position.  Looking at myself allllll the time, posing and flexing gave me the confidence.  Not what others would say.. but me seeing the changes gave me the confidence. 

What do you find the most challenging about competing? I will say being a single mom, self-employed, not enough hours in the day and working out in 100 plus degree weather, day in and day out.  Lol

What are your top 5 key strategies for success? Have GOD in your life, set a goal, work hard, be true to yourself and others, and help others reach their goals. 

What is your favorite protein powder? Protein FX by Body FX is my favorite.    

Why do you like it? I like it because, it has an ultra absorbing mulit-stage, 6 hour staggered release with an advanced enzyme matrix that helps amplify absorption…. In a nutshell.  Also, no gas or bloating

Favorite Inspirational Quote:
It’s not about PERFECT.  It’s about EFFORT. And when you bring that EFFORT every single day, that’s where TRANSFORMATION happens.  That’s how CHANGE occurs.  

In closing, who would you like to give a shout out to?
Of course I would like to give an HONOR TO GOD, My son Andre’ for putting up with me during my prep this summer.  Renne Toney my trainer for BELIEVING in me.  She saw something in me that I didn’t even see.  I have learned so much from her.  She worked me so hard this summer and for that I will forever be grateful.  I will not go to any other trainer.. she is stuck with me.  Mary Hobbs from BaddAzz Bikiniz for sponsoring me.  She was such a blessing.  My suit was more than BEAUTIFUL.  Sheilahe Brown for ALWAYS doing my posing routines from day one.  She is a talented choreographer and my best friend.  My routines are always the BOMB.  Even when we competed in Bodybuilding, she did my routines and we would be standing next to each other on stage. Tony Hawes, for always having my back all these years.  Reg Bradford, for your inspirational guidance every day all day.   

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