

I Have An Online Training Journal...NOW What? The TOP Ways To Use Your Online Training Journal to Market Yourself!

I Have An Online Training Journal...NOW What?
The TOP Ways To Use Your Online Training Journal to Market Yourself!

1. Post in your journal daily! Post pictlogoures, video clips(you can link them directly from You Tube), diet updates, workouts, motivational quotes, recipes, successes, disappointments...ANYTHING!

2. Post in others journals and they will post in yours! Reciprocation is key! You will also meet some great girls and grab some great ideas, workouts, advice and suggestions.

3. Post a link to your journal on your Facebook page and on Twitter.  Get your family, friends, co-workers and other competitors to come to your journal and follow along on your journey and progress. This is a great way for them to motivate and support you!

4. Be honest and be open... People relate to honesty and total disclosure. Besides..what do you have to hide anyway?:)
5. Be unique and creative in your posts.  People get bored reading the same thing over and over. Challenge yourself to think outside the box.
6. Talk about your personal life if you're comfortable.  Tell us aboMCforumbuttonut your family, boyfriend, husband, kids, co-workers......People love drama! (Think about why reality TV became so popular)
7. Mention supplements and food brands that you like and explain why. This will be a great way to not only share your favorite supplements, which work for women, but to network your sponsors or grab a nutritional companies attention.   

8. Talk about your competition experiences! Who did you use to get your makeup done, hair, tan? What did you like that you did leading up to your show and what would you do differently? Was the show well run? We can all learn from others experiences!

9. Be girly! It's okay to talk about your  favorite makeup and hair products.  What nailpolishes you like or dislike.  Jewelry, clothes, hair removal, botox, implants...you name it! (Even when it's that time of the month!)

10. HAVE FUN! BE YOURSELF! LET YOUR PERSONALITY SHINE! Let others get to know your true colors through your writing. You can tell a lot about someone by reading their journals and I have LOVED getting to know each and every RX Girl and I know you will too!


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