

Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Heather Hayes

Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Heather Hayes


Category you received m mid 1391377353920 8323e47eacee67b915 0compete in: NPC Bikini

Date of birth: September 9th 1987

Hometown: Gardner,  Illinois

Career: Hair stylist/makeup artist

What is your favorite childhood memory? Tree Forts! My friends and I had multiple forts, and always "moved" from one to another. We even had a little junkyard that we would go "shopping" at to furnish our fort. Of course it had to be nice when we invited our friends from other forts over!

Name a song that motivates you. Hungry by Rob Bailey and The Hustle Standard. I'm always hungry for more so it's always fitting when it comes on. I love Rob Bailey on Pandora!

What is your biggest gym pet peeve? When someone stops me in the middle of a set to chat! Hello!! Can't you see I'm in the middle of something and have headphones in for a reason??

How do you like to reward yourself? Treat meals! I I usually have one a week during prep and two a week when I'm in the off season. My go to meals are usually a cheeseburger and fries, or sushi, but only deep fried rolls. No raw fish for me! Dessert is always a must!

If you could change one thing about the world what would it be? I would probably say the economy.  It's really hard especially for young people just starting out in the real world. Although I will say, it makes people work that much harder for what they want/need.

What do you do right before you step onstage? A few deep breaths and a mental pep talk!

Nook, Book or Kindle? I have been a big fan of Kindle lately.

Competition history: I began my journey in Mreceived m mid 1392273714212 295a8d48871b077071 0ay of 2013 by joining Team Maxum(formerly Team FAB).I started a 20 week prep leading up to my first show. I stepped on stage for the first time on October 5th, 2013 at the NPC Continental USA in Ottawa Illinois. I took first place in Bikini A class and also took overall. 2014 Arnold Amateur-7th place. 

Next competition: Junior Nationals in Chicago in June 2014.

If someone followed you for the day what would they be most surprised about? I think they would be surprised at how much I love to help and motivate others. When I first started my journey it was more for myself. I think basically to prove a point to myself, that I could do this. I never thought that my road to the stage would inspire so many others. I was always looking to others for motivation, and I thought it was crazy that people were looking to me for the same! I began getting feedback, good and bad. I won't lie, there were quite a few times that the bad brought me down, but the good always helped me rise above it. Now this isn't something I do just for myself. I do it to help others push towards their goals and dreams. Whether it be they want to lose a few pounds, change their lifestyle a bit, or step on that stage one day too, I want to be able to help them even if it's just a little push in the right direction. Those people are the ones who keep ME motivated, inspired, and striving to be the best me that I can be!

 What is yourBKA 1248 preferred tanning product and why? Fox Valley Tanning products. They always give us the perfect color!

Favorite Quote: "Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

Who would you like to thank? Oh my goodness, so many people have helped me along the way! My coach, Staci Boyer. She is so knowledgeable, motivational,  and inspirational to me. I would have never started this journey had it not been for her. My Team Maxum girls and guys who have become my second family. It has made things so much easier having them to lean on. Pride Nutrition and the Pride Athletes. My Mom, Dad, Step Mom, family, and friends who have all stuck by my side and continue to. My boyfriend who is my rock, my motivator, deals with me on prep, and hides my post competition treats ;). Last, but certainly not least, everyone who has cheered me on, believed in me, pushed me, and even silently supported me! I wouldn't be where I am without any of these people and appreciate them more than words can say!



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