

Spotlight On NPC Womens Physique Competitor: Jennifer Underwood Kallas

Spotlight On NPC Womens Physique Competitor: Jennifer Underwood Kallas


Date of birth: 08DER 4890/30/1972

Hometown: Kent, Ohio

Career: Personal Trainer/Fitness Instructor


Competition history: I competed in Fitness in the 90's. My last show competing in 

Fitness was the 1995 Team Universe.

2010 NPC Mike Francois Classic Figure

2010 NPC Julie Palmer Figure

2011 NPC Natural Ohio Figure

2011 NPC Julie Palmer Bodybuilding

2011 NPC Jr. Nationals Women’s Physique

2012 NPC Julie Palmer Women’s Physique

2012 NPC Wings of Strength Tim Gardner Women’s Physique

2012 NPC Masters Nationals Womens Physique

2013 NPC Junior Nationals Womens Physique

2013 NPC Masters Nationals Womens Physique


Would you please tell us a little about your workout schedule?

 I lift 6 days per week focusing one or two body parts per workout.  I teach Step aerobics classes 2-3 days/week and add additional cardio as needed during contest prep.


What do you feel is the WORST part of contest prep?

 I LOVE prepping for a show!! Rigorous training and posing schedules, dieting--I’m ON!!! The thrill of watching your physique responds and seeing all of your hard work from the off season is Awesome! Off season is the most difficult for me! I’m always trying to put on size. I prefer the lean look over fluffy any day! Mentally, it can be challengDER 4406ing.


If you could change one thing about this sport what would it be?

I would find a way to make it more marketable to the masses so people could understand the dedication of the athletes involved. Everyone on stage has a story and they are all so amazing!


What are some motivational strategies that have or currently work for you? it be?

Motivitating and inspiring others motivates me! I work with a lot of first time competitors, watching them overcome obstacles and succeed keeps me striving to be the Best Jenn Ever! We've developed some great relationships--each of us supports and motivates the others! I love my girls!


 Tell us how you first discovered weight training.

I took a weight training class in high school and always stayed active.  It wasn’t until my early 20s when I discovered you could train and compete that I really got serious in the gym.  I’m very competitive--I love working towards a goal! 


I know that you have been in a serious accident some years ago. Could you please tell us about what happened - and how it affected you?

 I had a horseback riding accident 9 years ago. I shattered my left elbow, broke my humerus, cracked my pelvis and broke my tailbone. Doctors moved my ulnar nerve installed rods and screws and sent me off with the hope that one day my arm would function well enough for me to wash my face.  I went back to the gym with hopes of getting stronger and having more mobility.  I am so blessed and grateful to be in the gym training and onstage competing! It’s amazing what the body will overcome when your mind is focused!! It was a long road back but I did it! 


What's your key to DER 4688get in the rock hard conditioning you have presented in your latest competitions?

I think the key to great conditioning is consistently working a plan!  I make goals and follow a nutrition and training program year round. When one goal is achieved I set another goal and my nutrition and training changes to support that goal. I do not let myself get sloppy in the off season! 


Do you have any plans to compete in 2014?

 I am prepping for NPC Jr. Nationals June.


How did you come to the decision to enter your first competition?

I was working at Female Fitness for Crystal Gingo in the 90s. Her husband Ray Gingo was promoting a local bodybuilding show. They were going to have Fitness for the first time and encouraged I enter. I trained and competed in my first show and loved it!!! I was hooked!


 If you could switch your life with a famous person for one day – who would it be - and why?

 It would be great to have the financial resources of someone like Oprah and spend the day helping those in need.


Favorite Motivational Quote:

"To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities." Bruce Lee


In closing, who would you like to give a shout out to?

Powerhouse Gym in North Canton, Ohio. I work there; I train there, some days I feel like I live there. I feel so blessed to have a great group of co-workers, friends, and training partners there that support me. Not to mention we have an awesome selection of equipment!!


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