

RX Girl's Guiltless Goodies!

RX Girl's Guiltless Goodies!

I have a huge sweet tooth so I'm always looking for sweet treats that won't completely destroy a diet. Here are a few of my favorites. The best thing about these is they are SOOOO quick and easy to make!!

Egg White Puffseggwhites

Egg Whites
1/2 tsp Xanthan Gum
1/2 tsp Cream of Tartar
Little bit of Sugar Free Jello - Any Flavor

Add 1/2 tsp of Xanthan gum & 1/2 tsp of cream of tartar to egg whites (I used 3) and beat until it's forming peaks. Then add a sprinkle of sugar free jello powder in the flavor of your choice, mix and drop onto a greased cookie sheet, cook @400 degrees for 7-12 minutes or until they start to brown a bit.

Raspberry Sherbet

1 packet crystal light singles (any flavor, 556638 10150707221504711 2055729414 nI used Raspberry Ice)
1 tsp Xanthan gum

Thoroughly mix the crystal light and the xanthan gum until well blended. Add enough water to make a paste, not much is needed. Blend well and put in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

This next recipe is higher in cals than the previous two and not as good for using as a "snack" but it's a yummy way to get in your oats while feeling like you're having a treat!

Oat Bars

Rolled oats
1-2 egg whites
Cinnamon (and/or Pumpkin Spice)
Stevia (optional)

I haven't listed amounts for this recipe because it depends on how much you want to make at once. I like making a large enough batch that I have a few days worth so you could measure out the amount you need for 3-5 days. They last pretty well. The amount of spices and stevia depends on your own personal taste and how much oats you've used. I generally dump a large amount of cinnamon in the bowl because I LOVE cinnamon but you can use as much or as little as you like. You'll know by the smell while you're mixing it if you've used enough. Add only enooatsugh water to make the mixture a little moist. It will be crumbly. Pat the mixture down onto a cookie sheet greased with cooking spray and bake at 450 degrees for about 30 minutes or until it's beginning to brown slightly and feels crispy. Be careful with these because they're rather addictive. ;)

Roni Davis

NPC Figure Athlete, Personal Trainer, Nutrition Consultant



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