

Social Networking 101


kjhgSocial Networking 101

So you wanna be an IFBB pro? You are an IFBB Pro and you want to get your name out and be recognized? Social networking is the way to do just that!

What is the best way to use social networking in this industry to promote yourself? I get asked this question daily.  Realistically, there is no one best answer.  Each person is so different and their comfort levels vary. This of course also falls in line with what your goals are in this sport. But read on....this may help you choose which avenue is best for you!   

There are so many social media outlets on the Internet, with so many new ones popping up daily that it's hard to keep up with! First, it was My Space, then Facebook and then all of a sudden there was Twitter, You Tube and much much more! And now every website has an iPhone/Android App to make it even easier to use! The newest ones include:

Google +-Create a profile page; sort of like a mini webpage
Tumblr-Post text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos from your browser, phone, desktop, email or wherever you happen to be. You can customize everything, from colors to your theme's HTML.
Instagram-Share your photos with family and friends.
Tout-15 second videos
Pinterest-online pinboard-organize and share the things you love!
Formspring-Q &A profilethumbnail.aspx
Most of these tools allow you to post your information directly onto your My Space or Facebook page, so you will definitely need one of those!  Then you must decide what you enjoy doing more:  writing, shooting videos, taking pictures....or all of the above!  Once you have figured this out...you are ready to commit to the social media outlet of your choice!

If you enjoy shooting videos...create a You Tube Channel! Post up workout videos, cooking segments, product reviews, beauty tutorials..etc.. Use Tout to post up quick little 15 second videos of you "doing your thang" day in and day out.  

Don't like being in videos? Use Instagram to post up pictures of your daily routine, create a profile on Google + or Tumblr and post text, quotes, links and music you love.  Create an online pinboard on Pinterest and share who you are! Create a profile on Formspring and allow your friends, family and fans to ask you questions. Use Twitter to "tweet" your day away!

Are you a writer? Write articles for online publications like RX GIRL! Create a blog or journal and share your workouts, recipes, pictures, quotes and stories! RX Girl has a great Women's Training Journal Section just for this reason!

What is most important is that you commit to only a few that you can follow through with using. Don't sign up for everything! You will get overwhelmed! I tell competitors to pick 2 options other than Facebook or My Space and use them! Just make sure they don't all have the same function! Since most of these link to Facebook or My Space, your name will be seen in many different facets!

Social networking can be a lot of fun and can really help get your name ologo (2)ut, if used correctly! A little tip; do not post anything on any of these resources when you are emotional vulnerable in any way! It can only lead to disaster!  Find your "happy" spot before posting!

Well ladies, I hope this helped open your eyes to all the resources available to social network yourself.  I hope you found one that works for you! RX Girl can help open many avenues to you with regards to promotions, so don't hesitate to ask me for help! Till next time....Keep networking!

Gail Auerbach
RX Girl Editor in Chief

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