

Eat Fat, Get Fit?

Eat Fat, Get Fit?

No carb, low carb, no fat, high fat, high protein, vegetarian, keto, paleo – there are so many diet “fads” out there that promise to give you a quick fix on that over  bearing belly some get in the winter months. There are even more claims that X-brandPB2 - Copy miracle pill will get you fit and in shape without changing your lifestyle, nutrition or physical activity. Yeah well… about that…

I’ve used myself as a “science experiment” the last few months, having obtained my goal weight, I figured it would be okay to begin eating differently (still clean) and see exactly what works for me. Being carb sensitive, slightly insulin resistant due to my thyroid problem (hypothyroid), I began to play with fat and carbs to see exactly what works. What has become an overwhelming success in both myself and my clients lives, is eating fat to get fit!
Fat’s gotten a bad rap over the years, but hear me out – there are heart healthy fats such as your Omega-3’s (found in fish and dairy) that can HELP you drop your own fat! So when you hit the grocery store, and check the nutrition labels; which I hope you do, don’t get scared by the Total Fat grams on the back, just know which fats to chose and where to look for them!

Harmful Fats (STAY AWAY!)

Saturated Fat: This particular type of fat raises cholesterol levels and low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels IE: higher risk of cardiovascular disease. This type of fat can also increase the risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Trans Fat: While some trans fats ARE naturally occurring, most are created during food processing through hydrogenation of unsaturated fats. They are essentially easier to cook with and less likely to spoil then other oils. Consuming these fats increases your risk of cardiovMacadamia Nut Oil - Copyascular diseases and higher cholesterol levels.



Monounsaturated Fat: This is found in foods and oils. Unlike it’s “counterparts” above, Monounsaturated Fats can actually help IMPROVE cholesterol levels which will DECREASE your risk of heart disease. There is a link between these fats and healthy insulin levels and blood sugar control.

Polyunsaturated Fat: This is found in plant based foods and oils. Just like Monounsaturated fat, consuming these in moderation can improve your cholesterol and lower your risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes. One example of this fat are Omega-3 fatty acids (found in certain fish)
Esteemed Dr. Roizen has mentioned that there is “Strong evidence” that these oils, foods and fats can decrease your appetite while simultaneously promoting weight loss. “A little fat- 70 to 40 calories worth- before a meal, stimulates the release of the hormone cholycystokinin from your early intestinal wall, stimulating your vagus nerve to decrease stomach emptying – so your stomach stays more full so you feel full,” he says, “and telling the satiety center in your brain that you are no longer hungry.”
These fats help move stubborn belly fat but ALSO promote long term memory, decreased inflammation, and reduce acne, dry skin and premature wrinkles.

A typical moderate fat diet with HEALTHY fats would look something like this:

Meal 1: 2 whole Omega-3 eggs with 4 egg whites and 1 cup of veggies
Meal 2: 5oz of Lean Ground Chicken or Grilled Chicken Breast with 2oz Avocado and 1 cup veggies
Meal 3: 4oz Salmon over a bed of salad with 1 tablespoon of Balsamic Vinegar
Meal 4: Quest Nutrition Bar (my favorite is tIsolyze Chocolate Peanut Butter - Copyhe Apple Pie – 8 seconds in the microwave & it’s seriously a warm apple pie!) or 1.5 scoops Isolate protein with Macadamia Nut Oil (my favorite mix in this is Species Isolyze in Chocolate Peanut Butter with a little PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter added & 1 tablespoon of Species Nutrition Macadamia Nut Oil blended with Unsweetened Almond Milk)
Meal 5: 5oz Lean protein (Turkey, Chicken, Tilapia) with 1 cup of veggies and 1oz Almonds

So, next time you hit the shelves of your local grocery store, be aware of what you’re taking in, and don’t buy into the latest fad. There is NO QUICK FIX or JESUS IN A PILL when it comes to health and fitness, just the simple dedication, education and trial and error.

As a physique competitor, I use fats to grow and cycle in my carbs once or twice per week, I just make sure they are low glycemic and slow digesting. If you have any carb sensitivity or insulin issues, considering using the following fibrous carbs to replenish your glycogen: legumes, butternut squash, sweet potato, almonds and other nuts, Fiber One Fiber Bran Flakes and Creamy Oat Bran.


By: Angela Christine http://www.facebook.com/angelachristinefit

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