

The Terrific Tamee Tells All...


The Terrific Tamee Tells All...........

tamee2There is no doubt in my mind that if Tamee Marie could get a pro card in balancing life, she would! Three children, a husband, a successful business, all while training and dieting to compete in not only fitness but figure as well. Tamee had the opportunity to make her passion of making competition suits a career and do what she loves each day. Not many people are this lucky. I was amazed at her versatility to compete in both figure and fitness and how she handles prepping for each one so differently. I had an opportunity to talk with Tamee and find out how she does it all.

You compete in both figure and fitness.  How does training and dieting for both differ?

I started competing in 2004 and although my in initial plan was to do fitness. I was involved in gymnastics from a very young age through my late high school years. With fitness I was able to combine my lost relationship with new found passion of weight training and competing. However I sustained an injury that caused me to switch to figure for my first show. I was invested mentally, physically, financially, and emotionally at that point and could not justify not competing at all. I love getting involved in shows and being around all of the people. This industry has become family to me. The sights and smells of a gym or convention center bring an excitement that can't be explained unless you've experienced it. The same things that make people on planes turn up their noses exhilarate me...things like bagged chicken and eggs or spray tan. Not saying a freshly opened egg container smells great but it reminds me of shows and the months of dieting and training. In 2009 I went back to my first love of fitness and in 2010 got my pro card in fitness. While fitness is the best of both worlds for me doing figure allows me to remain close to the industry I love so much. I recently decided to take a stab at the figure pro stage since I'm already getting ready for the NY pro. I think I'm still a fitness girl at heart but also curious since I always score better in physique rounds.... We will soon find out. My dieting is pretty much the same but the end goal varies slightly. Fitness scoring seems to favor a slightly harder package so I diet a little harder and longer. However over the years dieting has become easier as I've learned how MY body responds. I've played with sodium levels, pulling water, carb loading and depleting just to name a few. You learn what your body does and doesn't respond to. While there are 100s of diets and tips on forums boards, websites, and magazines everyone's body is unique in some way shape or form. I would encourage anyone getting ready for a show to track EXACTLY what you do for every show. If something is OFF come show time go back and look at what you did that was different. I would also encouraging competing in more than one show. Don't put months of training in and only allow yourself one show to nail it. My weight training varies based upon If I need to bring a tighter leaner package or softer fuller package. I only know this by reviewing judges feedback and pictures and results from recent shows. I used to lift heavy to put on size but remember I'm 5'9" tall standing next other girls at 5'3". While It is important to have good lines and symmetry I also don't want to look like a yeti standing next to ewoks J so it's a delicate balance.

What do you like about each one?

The routine round of fitness requires great core strength, flexibility, and endurance. When I was competing in figure I only had to worry about what the package looked like. With fitness it has to run as well as it looks. Since switching back to fitness I've incorporated a lot more plyometrics, isometrics and stretching to allow me to excel in those areas. I now do sprints and stairs as well as jumps and lunges as part of my regular training.

You also make competition suits and have your own business called Go Figure Suits. How long have you been doing this and what inspired you to start your own business?
When I first started to compete in 2004 I quickly found out how expensive suits were and how few designers there were to pick from. Not able, and at the time husband not so willing, I chose to buy a few used suits and added stones to them myself. Let's just say they weren't very hot and you won't find any of them in my current inventory!! So I bought extra blank suits and started testing designs on them and selling those extra suits on web sites. I quickly figured out what cut's worked for what body types and what designs helped give the physique great lines. Initially I did this only to cut my cost and to hook a few close friends up, but then it became much bigger. In 2009 I left my corporate sales job to do it full time due to the growing demand. I NEVER would have thought this would be what I would be doing full time.... Crazy but loving it. I'm definitely in a sweet spot

What shows are you currently prepping for? The St. Louis figure and NY fitness........ other than that, I have no clue... LOL

tamee1How do you feel your prep is going compared to your last competition?

Ft Lauderdale I got ready in 2.5 weeks, so this time it's nice to have a little more time to come in nice and slow. But then I'm coming into figure for the first show so I'm not nearly as lean or hard as when I come into a fitness show, but I know that is NOT what they like for figure, so for me I kinda feel lost. I'm trying to find that even balance without going over the top... it's very odd for me. Fitness we are allowed to be fuller, more muscular, and a tad harder. I do have a few noticeable changes I will do for St Louis especially after watching the Arnold and see how the girls looked, I will not change my water intake up or down, I will not reduce sodium and I will probably have to come in flat so I don't appear so muscular. But then the fun part will be the three weeks between St Louis and NY I will have to fill out, harden up so I will eat more carbs, increase my water and slowly decrease it the last week, I will reduce sodium the last week before NY and also carb up before NY. So it will be interesting to do 2 totally different looks 3 weeks apart and be able to go back and look at the pictures to see what looks best on my body.

What is the most challenging obstacles you face during contest prep?

I think what is the hardest for me, is the same as it is for every show prep, and that is the balance of life, job, family and fitness. That alone is enough to drive me crazy. I have a 7 year old and 3 year old that require a ton of time and family is NUMBER 1 in my life along with God and church. Next comes getting the suit orders done and out the door, and then finding more time to cook food, lift, run routine, stretch. So it's not only about me and my show, its about the 60 women also competing in the 8 weeks I'm trying to prep and their suits. It's about the balance of life and family amongst the business and did I mention I'm carb depleting and talking to talk to other carb depleted women.............. wow need I say more? LOL

What do you think about before you go on stage?

SMILE. My tunnel vision kicks in and I always forget to smile..... I try to have my hubby pick his nose while I'm on stage just so I don't look so angry... LOL

What is your number 1 goal getting on stage this year?

I really want my routines to get stronger. I always seem to do well in physique but my routines never seem to do as well. I'd really like to move my routine scores up this year. I've started to ask a lot of questions of the girls that have been doing this for a while. I make suits and if there was a competition in suit making, I would hope I could get a pro card J , but I'm a new kid on the block to the Pro Fitness stage so I have no problem asking the veterans what I need to work on. Music, presentation, energy, choreography....so much of this is new to me but I love calling one of my sisters from the industry and just talking about what they have done and what changes I need to make.

What songs, people and things inspire you?

You guys will think I'm crazy, I LOVE listening to La Crae, Trip Lee, Flame, Shawn McDonald..etc I'm a firm believer in what you listen to is how you will end up feeling. Angry music will make you feel angry, sad music will make you feel sad ...... Garbage in garbage out. So I listen to Christian music so that I have a positive outlook each and every day. As Far as what inspires me, I love seeing people go against the odds. To me nothing like hard work, and seeing someone push for something they really want inspires me.

What is your most and least favorite thing about yourself?

As my husband would say, my tunnel vision. When I decide I'm going to do something there is a switch that I flip in my head and I'm able to tune EVERYTHING out and go right for that goal. It's nice that I can stay so focused, but bad for those around me because they get pushed to the side. I'm working on reducing that and allowing myself to do better without losing focus of those around me.

What is a day-in-the-life of Tamee Marie like?

Oh wow..... 6:30 coffee and catch up on emails usually from international girls or my night owls about suits 8:00 wake the girls up and get them ready for school 8:30 school drop offs 9:00 -3:30 SUITS, emails 3:30 pick kids up from school 4:00 Shipping, emailing, and stoning 5:00 gym, cardio, stretch 7:00 family dinner 8:00 emails and more SUITS 10:00 CRASH One thing I try to do is answer emails quickly. All go to my phone so I can respond right away. I find that a lot of the emails I get are from new girls, so I try to be quick and helpful because I know this process can be extremely stressful. That and I get over 70 emails a day, if I don't respond right away they pile up quickly.

If you could make 3 wishes what would they be?

My family to always be safe Perfect health (Spiritual, Physical, and Mental) And to stop having them make girl scout cookies during prep season!!

It has been a pleasure. In closing who would you like to thank?
I love you to death and so thankful for the most amazing friends I've made in this sport. It's truly what keeps me coming back for more...... love ya! Hugs!

Thank you for chatting with me and for promoting the industry the way you do. Your suit sponsorships always attract an audience! I look forward to seeing you on stage this year and maybe you can teach me how to do a cartwheel in the near future!


For more information on Go Figure Suits by Tamee Marie visit:


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