

Eating Disorders...A Question of Emotional Balance

bulimia-anorexiaWhen it comes to the current epidemic of eating disorders the blame is often laid firmly at the door of the media and the current burst of skinny starlets. We are constantly being bombarded with tales of astounding weight loss and stunned by the scary skin and bone appearance of the current pack of media favorites. It has suddenly become acceptable to look as if someone stole the key to the kitchen door and threw it away. However, whilst the tabloids are enjoying a feeding frenzy covering the topic of eating disorders in Hollywood, many young girls and women are being programmed to believe that being super thin is totally acceptable and worse, even healthy! And this is where the trouble begins. Birthed in by the media, the ‘religion of thin’ begins to take hold in the mind and, with the assistance of under nutrition, begins to grow out of control. What starts as a simple desire to shed a few pounds can easily turn into a full blown eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia.


When you starve the body, you deprive the brain of the fuel it needs to function at optimal levels and this is what makes eating disorders so difficult to overcome. What starts as a physical desire becomes a mental illness, an addiction, and like all emotional disturbances becomes very difficult to overcome. It is as if your brain is suddenly run by a completely new set of software and the old healthy programs have been deleted forever.
Can you ever return to normal functioning?
Yes, but it takes hard work, dedication and a true desire to get well. It also takes an understanding of the role of nutrition and intelligent supplementation…


When it comes to our emotions and behavior, few people truly appreciate the role nutrition plays in governing our moods. Nutrient deficiency and imbalances can seriously alter brain chemistry and cause emotional distress. Emotional triggers are rarely set off by random events; they are a direct result of biochemical reactions caused by micro (or macro) nutrient deficiencies. Once you understand this and begin to correct these deficiencies with proper nutrition you are well on the way to a full recovery.

The all too frequent practice of skipping meals can lead to abnormal blood sugar levels, which in turn can lead to depression, addictive behavior patterns and even Attention Deficit Disorder. When you adopt regular eating habits, stay away from refined carbohydrates (e.g. white bread, pasta, cakes, candy) and eat whole grains fruit and vegetables (which help stabilize blood sugar) you will be rewarded by enhanced energy levels and greater mental clarity.

Certain nutritional supplements can also assist with keeping blood sugar in check and they are:
  • Chromium (100-400mcg/day)
  • Alpha –Lipoic Acid(200-300mg/day)
  • Fructo –oligosaccharide (FOS) (5-10g/day)
  • Glucomannan (3-6g/day)

Following a diet and supplementation program such as this has often resulted in a return of emotional and physical balance in people who have tried just about every other approach.
In addition to blood sugar balance it is important to pay attention to serotonin levels. Often known as the ‘feel good’ chemical, serotonin deficiency is often the root cause of such things as depression, anxiety and compulsive behavior. Supplementing the diet with 5HTP (a derivative of tryptophan) has been shown to raise serotonin levels and it is well worth adding to your nutritional program when you are seeking to rekindle emotional balance.


When cutting calories the first macro-nutrient to be axed is often FAT. After all, if you are trying to lose fat the last thing you want to do is eat the stuff, right?
Wrong, the reason being that not all fats are bad fats. In fact some fats are critically important when it comes to normal brain function. For example, omega 3 fats are important when it comes to maintaining emotional balance. Brain cell membranes require an adequate amount of omega-3 fats in order to function correctly. Taking a fish oil supplement (high in omega-3’s) has been shown to assist in the reduction of mood swings, depression, anxiety and aggression which all too often accompany strict dieting.


Once you have a better understanding of the role a good diet with the intelligent use of food supplements has on your emotional state, the next step on the road to recovery is to take the time to really get to know yourself. When is the last time you took a time out and devoted it to self discovery?


Creating a desert island for yourself and isolating yourself from the demands of urban living can do wonders for your state of mind. Eating disorders don’t just happen; they are a direct result of a buildup of emotional triggers created by your environment and the company you keep. These triggers can begin as far back as childhood when a traumatic event or something projected on you by a parent, friend or relative can lay the seeds for the manifestation of character traits such as perfectionism, approval seeking, self sabotage and general discontent. Learning new ways to cope with stress and depression by taking the time to look deeper within yourself can be both physically and emotionally healing.
Spending time with people who are supportive of you and staying away from those who seek to keep you locked in your old patterns is also invaluable. It is often the case that some people  stay chained to old behavior patterns for fear that if they break free of their emotional bondage other people in their life will also decide to part from them. If these people do choose to separate themselves it is because the ‘butterfly effect’ of your growth is causing them to take a closer look at their own behaviors and motivations. Your job is not to accuse these individuals of sabotaging your efforts. Your job is just to gracefully detach yourself from their influence.


The road to recovery from any form of harmful, compulsive behavior pattern is not easy, but it is possible. The first step is of course admitting that you do in fact have a problem. Then (and this may sound strange) ask yourself how your disorder may actually be providing you with some reward that you may not even have considered before. You may dismiss this question at first but stop and really think about it….

Then take a closer look at your diet. Go back to the beginning of this article and honestly evaluate your nutrient status, then make the necessary adjustments and corrections.

Look at your road to recovery as a journey of personal discovery, one which will find you arriving at your destination stronger than ever before, more self assured and with a greater vision of what the future holds for the new healthy, happy you!

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