

Heather Mae French. . . The Secret To My Success!

Heather-Mae  020If the term ‘figure athlete’ ever found its way into the dictionary one of the women who is sure to be listed as a prime example is one Heather Mae French.

Sponsored by SPECIES NUTRITION, Heather is surely the epitome of what it is to be a figure competitor and this year has gone a long way to underline that fact. So far she has managed to gather three wins (in Pittsburg, New Zealand and California) and take third place in the Ms Figure International.

As the Ms Olympia gets closer and closer, I thought it was time to catch up with Heather, find out what is going on in her world and get her to share some diet and training tips with the readers of RX Muscle….





So Heather, first of all let’s take a look back at the year so far. Out of all the shows you have done so far which one stands out the most for you when it comes to the condition you presented on the stage?

“Wow that is tough because I feel like I love the fullness I had in Pittsburgh but I also like the tightness I achieved at the California show…so I guess I would have to say that it is a mix of those two conditions really.”

Heather-Mae  086What do you attribute your recent successful run to? Did you change anything in your approach with regard to your diet and training?

“I guess I owe lot to my new trainer, Kim Oddo. I love what we are doing together in terms of adjusting my food intake and training routines.”

You stay close to contest condition most of the year. What does your off-season diet look like?

“In the off season I make sure I eat more carbs and proteins. I like eating oatmeal, rice, yams, chicken, fish and broccoli or asparagus. I eat about 6-7 meals a day and each meal has a 1:1 ratio of carbs and protein. My main fats com from Macadamia nut oil and almonds.”

What about supplements?

“I use Species Nutrition supplements exclusively. This includes ISOLYZE (100% Whey Protein), LIPOLYZE and SOMALYZE (fat burners), CARBOLYZE (carbohydrate supplement), FIBERLYZE for extra fiber and OMEGALYZE for fatty acids. I also use CREALYZE creatine and AQUALYZE as a diuretic.”


And your off season training schedule?

“I stay pretty close to the same training schedule on and off season. Legs are trained a couple of days a week with high reps and light weight. Shoulders once a week, back, biceps and triceps twice a week with low reps and heavy weight.”

There have to be occasions, even for you, when going to the gym is tough and you just don’t feel up to it. How do you overcome those moments and get yourself into workout mode?

“I do have those nights when I am tired and can give every excuse in the book for not going to the gym. It is at times like these that I think of all the people who support me and stand behind me. Also all the other girls out there getting the job done!”

Heather-Mae  116Turning to your training, you present a very balanced physique and definitely have that much sought after ‘V’ taper. That being said, were your shoulders an easy area for you to develop?

“When it comes to training and developing specific areas I think everyone has one body part that responds very well to exercise, for me it is definitely shoulders. They have always responded well to whatever exercises I give them.”

So, when it comes to building impressive delts what would you consider to be the best exercises to focus on?

“I would have to say rear delt super sets between dumbbells and machine. That definitely works for me and I think a lot of people don’t pay enough attention to developing the rear head.”

In terms of your own shoulder workout could you give us an example of what that might look like?

“For me I love to ‘triple set’ my shoulders so it would look like this:




These would be performed as a triple set for 4-5 rotations’”

Heather-Mae  056Do you train shoulders on their own or couple them with another muscle group?

“I train my shoulders on the same day as my triceps.”

When you consider the fact that there are so many facets of the shoulder muscle and so many exercise choices, it would be very easy to overtrain this area…was this a trap you ever fell into?

“No because I have always followed the 4-5 exercise rule for them and limited my shoulder training to once a week. There is no need to train them more than once since they get plenty of extra work when you are training chest and back.”

In addition to this shoulders are also an area where many fall victim to injury. Have you ever had issues with shoulder injuries?

“No, I have been very lucky in that respect. I know a lot of athletes who have had to deal with persistent shoulder injuries but I have never had a problem, thank goodness!”

Turning our attention to the Olympia…with such a successful run of competitions behind you do you feel under any extra pressure this year?

“Well it is a little different this year because, as you say, I have had a very successful year so far and everyone is waiting to see what I bring to the table. At the end of the day though all I can do is give it my very best shot. Come to the stage in the best condition I can achieve at that moment in time and come in as full and tight as I can. From that point onwards it is in the hands of the judges. They are the ones who decide whose physique best represents our sport.”

Heather-Mae  028From a competitors point of view, is it more nerve racking competing in the Olympia than any other show?

“Definitely because when you really think about it you are competing to be the best in the world! With that in mind it has to be more nerve racking. However, every time I get on the stage regardless of whether it is the Olympia, the Arnold or any of the other professional shows I feel grateful for the opportunity and that is what matters.”

When the contest season is finally over for you this year, what are you most looking forward to doing?

“Oh that is easy! Spending more time with my friends and family. That is one thing I miss when I am in contest mode.”




And what can we expect from Heather Mae French in the future?

“Well I am in the process of writing a book and I have been giving a lot of my time helping others achieve their fitness goals. I am lucky enough to be in this position and if I can use my knowledge and experience to inspire other women then that makes everything worthwhile…”

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Find out more about Heather by visiting her website at: www.heathermaefrench.com

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