Part of my vision for Rx Muscle, as Editor-In-Chief, is to expand the Chemical Enhancement portion of the site. Starting in December you will see new groundbreaking articles, a lab testing forum, and much more. With the expansion comes new leadership, and that leadership will come in the form of John Conner (AKA HeavyIron).
If you haven’t heard or seen the handle, HeavyIron, then you probably are new to this bodybuilding thing... Or you’re natural! John started posting on the message boards looking to communicate with like minded individuals, and over the past few years he has become one of the most widely respected chemical enhancement experts. I also have the good fortune of working with John at IronMagLabs, so I know that when he sets his mind to something, there is no stopping him.When I spoke to John about the position, he immediately had ideas on how to make the site better and what he’d like to bring to the revamped site. Along with writing articles himself, he is forming a team of individuals to bring the members the newest and most cutting edge information. John’s plans extend to the forum, and not only the content and discussion there, but also the moderation. He favors a looser style of moderation and more edgy discussion, and we plan to leave that completely up to John’s discretion.
With John at the helm, it is our goal to not only have Rx Muscle the premier site for contest coverage, but also the premier site for Chemical Enhancement.
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