Nick Lavitola: Power Sport Double-Threat

"I was always impressed by both musculature AND the idea of strength," Nick Lavitola said as he leaned across the table towards me. His passion for pushing the physique and the strength envelop was apparent by his wide smile and the excited tone in his voice as he recounted his past. His success at both was also evident, both by his thickly developed physique and slew of victories in bodybuilding and powerlifting.

Back when it was more common to be a two-sport strength athlete, Lavitola was one of the best. His physique victories include a slew of regional victories (class wins in the '83 NPC East Coast and the ‘87 NPC Eastern USA), top national level placings (tenth and ninth in the NPC Nationals ‘84-85, a third and fourth in the AAU Mr. America ‘89-90) and the short class in the '88 AAU Mr. World.

He is not a "in the past tense" lifter though - not by any means. Although exclusively competing in powerlifting these days, its obvious that he could hop up on the posing dais and smack around all but the best at the NPC Masters Nationals. In powerlifting, Lavitola is a contender at any three-lift meet he shows up at. His best squat is a bar-rattling 870-pounds. His current best bench tops out at 540. He pulls an earth-shaking 820-pound dead. His best one-day total is 2200 in the 242-pound class.



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