The Forgotten Nutrients: Aloe Vera Juice!

Aloe Vera has a long history of use as a natural healing substance with both oral intake and topical application being extremely effective when it comes to facilitating the healing of any kind of skin wound, burn or scald - even speeding the recovery time after surgery. In fact modern use was first documented in the 1930's when it was used to heal radiation burns. It was also used after the 2nd World War to aid victims of the fallout in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. In this instance the victims treated with Aloe Vera displayed signs of increased tissue growth and reduced pain where other medications failed to produce results.

So just what is this miracle nutrient?

Let us take a closer look at the remarkable plant known as Aloe Vera....


In total there are about 300 species of Aloe Vera, the most important in terms of healing properties being Aloe Barbadensis Miller. Aloe Vera is a cactus-like plant but is actually part of the lily family. It contains 74 known nutrients and all the synergistic factors needed to facilitate their complete absorption. Here are just some of the valuable nutrients which can be found in Aloe Vera...

  • Anti-microbial and wound healing acids
  • 20 out of the 22 essential amino acids
  • Enzymes which are important catalysts to various chemical reactions in the body
  • Lectin - which is effective against tumors
  • Calcium, magnesium,potassium,zinc, iron, manganese and sodium, along with valuable trace minerals
  • Lactates and Silicylates - which have analgesic properties
  • Phenolics - which act as mild antiseptics and anti-microbials
  • Poly Saccharides - long chain sugars which are broken down to smaller ones via enzymes
  • Urea -which has a pain killing effect
  • Vitamins - contains 8 of the 13 recognized vitamins including vitamin B12



When it comes to its value as an addition to your existing supplement program, Aloe offers some extraordinary benefits which include its amazing powers as a potent anti-inflammatory. It also anesthetizes tissue, further reducing the pain associated with sore joints and muscles.

In terms of recovery from workouts (or indeed injury), Aloe Vera speeds the healing process by enhancing cell proliferation and fibroblast function. Fibroblasts are cells responsible for collagen formation so this not only leads to relief from sore joints and enhanced healing but also results in noticeable improvements in skin texture and condition.

Another point worth noting is that the polysaccharide content of Aloe Vera also assists in balancing blood sugar levels. Polysaccharides are large complex sugar molecules which are used by the body at a much slower rate than ordinary simple sugars (monosaccharides). In fact, when Aloe Vera was given to diabetic patients the fasting blood glucose levels went down. A similar effect was found when it was given to those suffering from hypoglycemia.



Aloe Vera Juice is one of the finest body cleansers, serving to remove toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen, bladder and colon. It is also highly regarded when it comes to helping to support a healthy digestive system. It helps maintain a healthy stomach PH, reduces stomach distress, eases indigestion, assists the healing of ulcers, eases heartburn and diverticular disorders and soothes any kind of digestive upset.

Oh, and let's not forget that Aloe Vera Juice is clinically proven to increase the absorption of other supplements when it is consumed with them!

So, all things considered, I think you will agree that it is time to remove Aloe Vera Juice from the ‘Forgotten Nutrient' list and place it firmly on your ‘must have' supplement shopping guide!

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