Toxicity?, Acidity? Myth or Magic?

Toxicity?, Acidity? Myth or Magic?

ULCERWe all have a story behind us.  For some of us it is that never ending drive that wakes us up each day, makes us bust our guts in the gym and work hard for the money to compete.  For some of us, it delves deep into our roots, into the beginning stages of our life and childhood, which is the case for me.  As a teenager I always had acne.  It was a reoccurring nagging nemesis I faced from age 15 on.  I tried every acne 3 step process and topical ointment out there.  My parents finally took me to a dermatologist who put me on my first course of antibiotics. Voila! Problem solved! Solved….or just beginning? This was the seed that planted the roots to the problems I face today as a 35 year old adult.  You see, I stayed on these “miracle” antibiotics for years. They were helping my acne so why change what works? Then I began bodybuilding and taking those wonderful supplements that made me put on the mass you see on my body today.  Due to this my acne escalated to a whole new level.  To the point of painful cystic acne that was not just on my face, as was the problem when I was a teenager, but on my back, shoulders and neck as well.  Back to the dermatologist I went, whose solution was “Stop taking those muscle enhancing drugs.” I decided a second, third and fourth opinion was needed.  I got that answer repeated to me three times as well as “Increase your antibiotics.” So I did just that.  After that didn’t work, I decided to find a doctor who would give me Accutane. After a low dose regiment I now stand acne free. So life is great…or is it?

Let me place you in my shoes.  It’s a Wednesday and I going about my day in a normal fashion when my stomach begins to hurt.  I spend the day trying to figure out if it was something I ate or if one of the little rugrats I teach brought me the stomach flu.(I tell them to only bring me checks, gift cards or pop tarts!)  I last had the stomach flu at the age of 14.  It was a mystery still as I headed to bed. It wasn’t until 3am, when I woke up and found myself looking into a toilet and saw blood that I decided that I didn’t eat anything bad and it wasn’t the stomach flu.  Once in the ER they ran every test they could.  When the scan came back showing a gastric ulcer, I freaked out.  How did a hole get there? The doctor said the H Pylori virus is what causes ulcers.  I come from a long line of family members who have stomach problems including Crohns Disease and Colitis.  The doctor also told me that I should test my body’s acidity.  “Oh, Please” I thought, what a bunch of hoopla! But once out of a horrendous stay in the hospital and being the neurotic individual I am, I decided to buy the test strips.  After peeing on one, I was shocked to f174606 196586450356550 2750933 nind out my PH was a 3.0.  Can we say ACIDIC? So now I decided to begin researching to figure out what got me here and you guessed it…it was all those DAMN antibiotics I took over the years for the acne that killed the good bacteria in my stomach.  Ulcers take a while to heel and mega doses of antibiotics as well.  After getting off the antibiotics I began to research how to keep my body from getting acidic. It’s not as easy as it looks.  

Being active on the RX site I am fortunate enough to have friends like Dave Palumbo and Jack and Ann Titone to consult.  Dave told me to test my PH often and to drink alkalinized water.  After looking into the alkalinized water filtration systems and seeing how expensive they were, there was no way I could afford one.  So I talked to Jack Titone about Hydrolyze Ultra.  I got a huge education in water filtration and decided to give it a shot.  After drinking only Hydrolyzed Ultra for a week I was already feeling better.  My stomach was accepting food and feeling settled.  The nausea went away and I was more hydrated and could actually drink plain water (which I always HATED in the past) on a daily basis. My body PH was a 8.5.  After I finished the case of water I got lazy.  I stopped testing my PH and started buying the gallons of water from the grocery store.  Within a week I found myself looking into that same toilet, once again.  This time I had a bloated gut, a headache and was exhausted.  So I decided to test my PH as long as I was stuck in the bathroom.  Guess what? This time my PH was a 5.0.  Not as bad as before, but STILL acidic. The ulcer wasn’t healed and I was pushing my stomach to try to get tons of food back in it, so my stomach was rebelling.  After ordering another case of Hydrolyzed Ultra I have vowed to NEVER again drink plain water, test my PH weekly and listen to my body.  

56tyr5So stand in my shoes now! Hydrolyzed Ultra helped heel my stomach ulcer, made my bodies PH raise, keeps me hydrated, allows for the better absorption of the supplements I take, decreases my bloating and makes me feel energized and recovered.  I am happy to say it is not my face that looks into the toilet now.  So you tell me, acidity, Fact or Fiction? Myth or Magic? I double dare you to test your body’s acidity before and after drinking Hydrolyzed Ultra and see and feel the difference. Whether you have stomach issues, have taken a lot of antibiotics in the past, (or currently do) or get bloated and gassy often give it a try!  And just like I tell my first graders…..thank me with pop tarts and address all checks and gifts card to me……  

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