Separated at Birth: Kira Neuman and Reese Witherspoon?

By the accompanying photos, it's easy to see who the bodybuilder of this duo is, but when it comes to facial resemblance, Kira Neuman and actress Reese Witherspoon are sister-like in their appearance.

In actuality, Witherspoon, wh has starred in such blockbuster movie hits as Legally Blond, Sweet Home Alabama, Rendition, and How Do You Know?, is five years older then Neuman.  Kira, who was the 2007 NPC Collegiate National Champion and middleweight runner-up at the 2008 NPC Jr Nationals, would make a great stand-in for Witherspoon in future movie roles.

KiraNewman Reese
Kira Neuman Reese Witherspoon

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