Fitness Factoids: Volume 67


New Weight Losmagic pills Pill Proven Clinically Effective

The global obesity epidemic has caused a flood of research and funding to pour into the pharmaceutical industry in search of a magic weight loss pill that can be hailed as the Holy Grail for individuals who are unable to lose weight by traditional means. A new “smart pill” known as Gelesis 100 has recently been found to aid in blood glucose regulation, improve feelings of satiety, and reduce body weight according to a recent clinical trial. In the study researchers split individuals identified as overweight and prediabetic into three groups. Group one received 2.25g of Gelesis 100 twice daily before meals. Group two received 3.75g twice daily of Gelesis 100, and group three received cellulose (fiber). At the conclusion of the study it was found that group one showed the greatest improvements in fasting blood sugar and lost on average 10.9% of their bodyweight. Gelesis 100 is now on track to be the first approved drug by the FDA to be regulated as a medical device to be used specifically for the treatment of diabetes and obesity.



Cocoa May Prcocoaevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Cognitive decline from conditions such as Alzheimer’s is becoming a growing concern due to the fact that the fastest rising segment of the population is the elderly. Recent estimates predict that the rate of Americans suffering from Alzheimer’s will triple by the year 2050 which would result in serious and potentially crippling healthcare costs. Numerous theories have been presented as to why Alzheimer’s has risen so dramatically, but no form of effective prevention has yet to be uncovered. A new study conducted by researchers at the Ichan School of Medicine have found that an unadulterated form of cocoa appears to be able to prevent the accumulation of amyloid beta proteins that damage neurons in the brains which can lead to Alzheimer’s. The study gave mice with cognitive decline similar to that of Alzheimer’s in humans a lavado cocoa extract – a form of cocoa that hasn’t been denatured by processing – and found that it prevented the accumulation of amyloid beta proteins and inhibited the destructive inflammatory responses in the brain typically caused by their accumulation. This is the first study to show that specific dietary intervention has the ability to possibly prevent Alzheimer’s from developing in the future. Researchers believe that turning lavado cocoa extract into a dietary supplement could be a cheap and effective way to prevent cognitive decline for the next generation of aging Americans.



BPS Can Disrbpaupt Heart Rhythms

The health and safety issues concerning the use of bisphenol-A, or BPA as it’s commonly known, caused a public outcry that lead to a number of manufacturers known for producing plastics to remove BPA from their products and stamp them with the “BPA Free” label. BPA has been shown to be an endocrine disruptor among other things, and has been linked to the development of fertility issues and the impairment of normal hormonal function. After removing BPA from their products some manufacturers turned to BPS, a cousin of BPA, as a “safe” replacement in their products. However, new research being released by the International Society of Endocrinology has found that BPS may not be so safe after all. The report details a study in which rats were exposed to levels of BPS similar to those found in plastics that humans are regularly exposed to. They found that when rats were exposed to BPS they experienced increased heart rates that lead to arrhythmias and heart rhythm abnormalities that were a result of abnormal calcium cycling – calcium plays a critical role in normal muscular contraction. The new findings just reiterate the sentiment that prevails among the majority of health conscious consumers now – we are constantly being bombarded with dangerous chemicals without our knowledge or consent. Hopefully the new information will help lead to greater transparency and much needed reforms from food producers and manufacturers about the contents of their products.



Too Much Sittingsitting Is Bad for Your Health

An increase in the amount of sedentary activity always seems to find itself close to the front of the list when searching for culprits of the rising obesity epidemic. And that’s true to a degree. People do spend more leisurely time sitting and many of us have jobs that require long relatively motionless hours spent staring at computer screens. However, new evidence suggests that spending too much time sitting can lead to much more damaging effects that previously thought. Recent evidence released by the National Cancer Institute suggests that sitting too long can actually lead to increases in the development of two types of cancer over time. The recent report stated that for every two hours spent sitting the risk of developing colon cancer increases by8%, and the risk of developing endometrial cancer increases by 10%. The study doesn’t indicate if other diet, lifestyle, or exercise habits were taken into account but it does provide a wakeup call to those of us who spend our time slaving away on the keyboard every day. Being healthy and active extends beyond the gym, and we need to make a concerted effort to mitigate to effects that our sedentary work environments can have on our long term health.



Fruits and Vfruitegetables Lower All Cause Mortality

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”…or in this case seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day keeps reaper away. According to a study conducted by the University College of London eating seven servings of fruit and vegetables daily lowers the risk of all cause mortality by 42%. The data found that eating 1-3 servings of fruits and vegetables daily reduced the risk of all cause mortality by 14%, a 29% reduction for 3-5 daily servings, 36% for 5-7, and 42% for those who reported eating seven servings or more daily. In addition to reducing the risk of all cause mortality, the study also found that eating seven or more portions daily reduced the risk of developing cancer by 25% and the risk for developing heart disease by 31%. Although the study doesn’t appear to take other lifestyle factors in account, it does raise awareness to the fact that bodybuilders generally tend to obsess over macronutrient intake, but neglecting micronutrient intake from functional foods such as fruits and vegetables are a critical to maintaining our health.



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