
RX Rising Muscle #2: Susanna Tirpak, Women’s Physique Competitor

In the Rx Rising Mustscle series we will take a more global look at what’s going on in the fitness and bodybuilding world. We will present the hard and dedicated athletes that are on the rise to greater success.

Our next athlete is from Hungary and she’s a Women’s Physique competitor. She is also very dedicated to the fitness lifestyle and is working hard to earn her IFBB Pro card.

Let’s welcome Susanna Tirpak to Rx Rising Muscle!



Rx Rising Muscle #1: Regan Grimes!


In the Rx Rising Muscle seriesregan we will take a more global look on what’s going on in the fitness and bodybuilding world. We will present the hard and dedicated athletes that are on the rise to greater success.
Our first athlete in our series is one of Canada’s most promising younger bodybuilders of today, Regan Grimes.

At Regan’s latest competition he took 1st place in junior bodybuilding plus 1st in men's bodybuilding in the heavyweight class and the 1st place men's overall at the Luchka/OBrien Classic bodybuilding and fitness show in Mississauga, Ontario.



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"The Muscle Chef" Carlo Filippone joins Dave Palumbo to discuss the steps and secrets to building a successful business catering to bodybuilders. The culinary brains behind "The Chicken Pound" talks about how he found his passion out of bodybuilding and how he converted it into a full fledged business operation.


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Pro Bodybuilder Eddie Robinson Discusses the Path to Victory!

Pro Bodybuilder Eddie Robinson Discusses the Path to Victory!

Rx Muscle: What woueddield you say you’re most remembered for in your bodybuilding career? Most people know you, but tell us about some of your accolades in the iron world.

ER: I think most people remember me by the eighty- five covers I appeared on during my pro career which gave me tremendous exposure worldwide. And to tell you more about my accolades in the iron world… hmmmm, where do I start?

Let me take you to the beginning of time, I started lifting as a teen when I played football and boxed the Golden Gloves in Akron, Ohio. All through high school I enjoyed pushing heavy weight with the dream to play for Ohio State and hopefully have a pro football career. During that time I focused on strength training and started entering power meets and strong man events, where I set the power lifting platform on fire.



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