

Spotlight On NPC Womens Physique Competitor: Lisa Horrigan

Spotlight On NPC Womens Physique Competitor: Lisa Horrigan

Category you compete in: NPC1013488 10151707900929793 746323545 n Women’s Physique
Date of birth: April 28, 1976
Hometown: Jupiter, FL
Career: Health, Safety & Environmental Coordinator for an Automotive Chemical Company.  I work for a great company where everyone is very supportive and understanding of my sport!!

If you could change into a superhero for a day who would you be and why?
Wonder Woman!  She is beautiful, strong & has superhuman powers!  She also has the ability to make people tell the truth! Wonder Woman symbolizes the ultimate balance of strength & femininity!

What made you begin dedicating your lifestyle to this sport? 
I was always on the tall, thin side, but I’ve always loved the look of muscular, athletic women!  After high school I decided to start going to the gym just to see if I’d like it.  I actually went with a friend to try a yoga class there, which I discovered wasn’t really for me.  So when we went back, I had him show me around the machines & weights & I loved it!!  I loved how it made me look & feel!  I noticed changes in my body after a few months of lifting, before I even realized that diet & cardio also play a large part in building & shaping your physique!

In my early 20’s, after building some muscle, I decided to try a bodybuilding competition.  I had a few friends at the gym who competed & I wanted to see if I was capable of the discipline it took to compete.  I competed in a couple of shows, but I was never quite big enough for bodybuilding.  I wound up taking about 10 years off from competition to focus on building muscle, finishing school, my career, getting married, buying a house, moving to Florida, etc.  During that time I continued to train. I always followed the sport even when I wasn’t competing. When women’s physique was introduced I loved the look of the women & thought it might be a good fit for me.  I decided to give it a try! I hired a trainer to clean up my diet & work on my posing.   I entered a local show & I was hooked!! 

What approach do you take to dieting...carb cycle..keto?
Since I started working with my current trainer, I eat clean pretty much year round so that I don’t need to “diet” as hard for a show.  She has taught me the importance of clean eating & the importance of diet in shaping your physique.  It doesn’t matter how hard you train if you’re not eating for your goals. 
I eat 6 meals a day.  Off season I do moderate to low carbs & high protein with moderate good fats.  During my prep I do high protein, lower fat & low carb, getting most of my carbs from green vegetables (brussel sprouts are my favorite!!). I may also eat oatmeal and rice cakes with my morning meals. . My body doesn’t seem to need a lot of carbs & my energy levels are steady without them. 

What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about competing?
That it makes you less “girly” or if you train too hard you’ll start to lo1003020 10151776662194793 1216756926 nok like a man.  That is totally untrue.  I am still super girly & I love being feminine & strong!

What is your most embarrassing childhood memory? 
I’ve always had really big quads (since I was little LOL).  I went to a Catholic elementary school so we wore uniform skirts.  I was always tall for my age so my skirt was a little on the short side!  At recess one day a girl asked me what “those bumps on my legs were…” as she pointed to my outer quads.  I didn’t know, I was in 4th grade!!!  Her & her friends started laughing at me!  I had a complex about my big legs up until I started getting serious at the gym after high school!! Only then did I start appreciating my leg genetics!  At least I can look back & laugh about it now!

What is the biggest lesson you have learned about YOURSELF during your contest prep?
That I am a lot stronger than I think.  When I focus on something & am determined I can do anything I put my mind to.  Sometimes the diet & the workouts get difficult & life gets in the way of prep, but I’ve learned never to give up.   I love what I learn about myself from competing because I can apply that dedication & determination to other aspects of my life.  Competing helps me become a stronger person both inside & out.

Who do you look up and admire and why?  I really look up to any athlete who commits themselves to a sport & never gives up.  I admire my trainer IFBB Physique Pro Jill Dearmin because of her great work ethic & beautiful physique.  She practices what she preaches – she’s a super hard worker & always gives 100% to everything she does.  I also love the physiques & work ethics of Karina Nascimento, Toni West, Zoa Lindsay & Dana Linn Bailey.  All of these women are a great, positive influence & have worked very hard to develop beautiful, strong & feminine physiques. 

Competition history:
-NPC Anna Level WPB, WP Open, 2nd
-NPC Southern States Championships, WP Open Class B, 4th
-IFBB North Americans, WP Open Class C, 2nd, WP 35+ Class C, 4th

-NPC JR USA WP Open Class D, 15th
-NPC Master's Nationals, WP Class D, 6th

Next competition:
2013 NPC945730 10151759569274793 302042938 n Nationals

Favorite Motivational Quote:
“Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up.”

Who would you like to thank?
I would like to thank my husband Mark, who is the love of my life & my biggest supporter.  He is always there for me even through all the ups & downs of show prep!  He helps me prep all my food & always pushes me in my training! He pushes me beyond my limits both mentally & physically.  He also goes to all my shows with me!!  It’s so great to have a partner who shares the same love for the sport & lives the same lifestyle!

I would also like to thank my wonderful trainer & friend, IFBB Physique Pro Jill Dearmin!  I could never do this without her help & guidance.  She does my diet, posing & routines.  She is more than just my trainer.  She is a great friend who is always there for me!  She is a great role model & has taught me how to live the fit lifestyle year round & to keep pushing & never give up.  She helps me be the best version of me!!

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