

Spotlight On NPC Figure Competitor: Kate Grevey

Spotlight On NPC Figure Competitor: Kate Grevey

Category you compete in: Figure181843 10152389470920026 2058377885 n
Date of birth: 9/11/1980
Hometown: Baltimore, MD   
Career: Fitness: Specializing in Pre/Post Natal AND Physique Athletes.  I own 2 small businesses, a local franchise of Stroller Strides, which is a fitness class for moms with their babies, like a baby bootcamp.  Also, I am a personal trainer at a local PT studio with  online diet/training clients. LOVE working with the moms and my physique clients, my 2 passions!!!

Competition history:  I have been competing since 2002! A few breaks; one for life stuff and two others for babies.  I competed within a year of both deliveries, November 2007  and April 2010

Figure F -
NPC Southern Classic - 2013 1st place
NPC Jr USA 2013- 4th place,  2012- 9th place,  2011- 12th place,  2009- 13th
NPC Team Universe 2013 -10th place,  2012 -16th place
NPC Gladiator 2013- 5th place
NPC Nationals 2012 -8th place
NPC Jay Cutler Classic - 2011  2nd place
Arnold International Amateur - 2011 10th place
NPC NY Metropolitan 2009 - 2nd place Fitness
Ms Fitness International - 2006 5th place
NPC Monica Brandt Fitness Classic :Body Rock - 2002   6th place

Next competition: November 2013 NPC Nationals

What do you feel is the WORST part of contest prep?
For the most part 398247 10151145965623645 150939024 nmy contest prep is comfortable.  My world gets a little smaller because my “normal” friends don’t want to hang out with me as much since I can’t eat out with them.  I get a little short-tempered with my kids too.  I love the routine and the rigidity of it though.  I have learned to keep and maintain a full life throughout my prep, family still comes first.

Would you please tell us a little about your workout schedule?  I lift about 4-5 days per week, mainly five.  Right now, I am trying to do a 2-3 day split of body parts so I hit every body part twice.  I like to change things up a lot, something I always make sure I do is hit my back and glutes/hams twice (my trouble spots.)   I do 2-3 steady state cardio sessions per week and 3 HIIT (hills, bike, stairs) cardio sessions per week, with 8-20x 10-20 second sprints  just depending on where I am in prep.  I workout much less than most competitors, shorter lifts and cardio, my workouts revolve around gym daycare and kid schedules. 

I workout smarter not harder!!

If you had to lose one of your 5 senses, which one would you prefer to lose and why? OHH that is tough…I am going to go with smell.  Maybe it is too many years of changing diapers, also I can get pretty stinky at the end of the day if I don’t have a chance to shower or just protein farts. Plus, taking out the trash is the one household duty I refuse to do because of the smell.  I like all my other senses too much, so this one I think I might be able to part with if I must.

If you could change one thing about this sport what would it be?  More consistency across the board! Pipedream - Limit the number of competitors per class or per show.  I understand this will never happen because no one would turn down a competitor’s money, but a girl can dream.  It would be nice for the judges to be able to fully and fairly judge everyone, for their sake and ours.
If you had a time capsule what would you put inside it and why? My last cell phone. Technology changes so fast and it is always such a trip to see old technology and know that way-back-when, it was new and cool.

What is your favorite vacation spot?  I am a beach girl!  I grew up spending my summers in Ocean City Maryland.  I love taking my kids year-round, I even love beaches in the off-season (Winter -not a competitorteamusides off-season.)  My husband and I went to Tahiti on our honeymoon and would love to make it back there one day.  Also, my husband is from Louisiana, we love to go to New Orleans.

What advice do you have for women who would like to get involved in and compete in the sport of bodybuilding? Be ready for a roller coaster!!  Equally demanding and rewarding.  Completing the whole prep process for the first time was one of the most empowering, fulfilling, esteem building things I have ever done.  There is an emotional roller coaster that takes place that just can’t be explained.  If you take it until the end and don’t give up on the days you REALLY want to you will have the most amazing journey. “Quit tomorrow.” 
What is a day-in-the-life of Kate like?
My kids wake me up every morning 7-730 A.M. Hubby and I tag team breakfast and head out the door to teach Stroller Strides every weekday.  4 days a week, I head straight to the gym after class by 11, so I can get my workout done by noon, when gym daycare closes.  My workouts pretty much revolve around gym childcare. 1 day a week we do a playdate with some mom friends.  Get home in time for lunch and naptime.  During naps I do admin work on the computer or get in my cardio on my treadmill in my basement.  Pick up my older daughter from school @3, come home for some playtime and mommy duties.  Daddy takes over a few evenings a week. I do personal training and a few evenings I do volunteer work.  By 10 or so every night my husband and I sit down and watch a show we DVR’d while we eat our "snack"  Greek Yogurt with Ezekiel cereal and blueberries with cinnamon (I eat this EVERY night up until 2-3 days before a show.) Try and pass out by 11.  Weekends we will do a family gym morning or I will hold posing class on a Sunday and get another workout it.  I try and take one day per week where I don't put my sneakers on at all!!!  I thrive on routine and consistency...can you tell?

Favorite Motivational Quote: “Quite Tomorrow” and “Nothing tastes as good as being lean feels”

In closing, Who would you like to give a shout out to?  It has taken a village to raise this idiot!  Every single time I step on stage there are so many people that made it possible.  I learn and take something from everyone (sometimes it is what not to do) but the people who have truly shown me the way are: My husband (1st and foremost), Nick Tumminello who has taught me more about training than all others combined, Joe Franco my current coach who works off science and the principles commonly spoke about by Layne Norton, Mike Davies my coach of six previous seasons that I am forever indebted, and lastly an old boyfriend that was a bodybuilder that got me into this whole mess.  I can’t forget my fans (not that there are that many YET) but that have been loyal and have followed me and their supportive words that kept me going some days, I don’t want to let them or my family down.

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