

Spotlight On: IFBB Fitness Pro Shannon Siemer

Spotlight On: IFBB Fitness Pro Shannon Siemer

Category you compete in: Fitnessimage (3)

Date of birth: 8/1/85

Hometown: Effingham, IL

Career: Medical Case Manager for DCFS


Competition history:

2009: ABA/INBA Natural North American Championships: 2nd Place Fitness

2009: Fitness Midwest Championships: 3rd Place Fitness

2010: ABA/INBA Illinois State Championships: 1st Place Fitness

2010: Ms. Fitness USA: 11th Place

2011: NPC Midwest Novice Championships: 1st  Place Fitness, Overall Bikiniimage (2)

2011: Fitness New Mexico: 2nd Place Fitness

2011: NPC Illinois State Championships: 1st Place Fitness, 1st Place Bikini Short

2011: NPC Jr. National Championships: 3rd Place Fitness Class A

2011: NPC Battle of Champions - Iowa: 2nd Place Fitness 

2012: Arnold Amateur: 3rd Place Fitness Class A

2012: NPC Jr. National Championships: 5th Place Fitness Class A

2012: NPC National Fitness Championships: 4th Place Fitness Class A

2013: Arnold Amateur: 3rd Place Fitness Class A

2013: NPC Midwest Championships: 3rd Place Figure Class A

2013: NPC Jr. National Chaimage (6)mpionships: 1st Place Fitness Class A


Next competition:

I’m not entirely sure when I’ll make my pro debut, it all depends on the progress of my training.  With that being said, I’m working hard to make it to the IFBB PBW Championships in Tampa and possibly the Europa show in Phoenix. We shall see! 


In your opinion, how important is motivation and confidence when aiming to accomplish a goal?

I believe that goals can be achieved with minimal motivation and confidence, but how well they’re accomplished is another story. People in this world have two paths in which to complete their goals, they can either slide by doing the bare minimum, or they can drive full force toward their dreams. Each path leads toward the goal, but only one route will show true dedication, determination and perseverance. This is the path of a champion, a path that is lead by continual motivation and confidence. 


In your eyes, what combination of hard work and natural ability is needed to reach the top?

I’m going to risk the ridicule and state the obvious here. In fitness, natural ability is a big deciding factor among those who choose to compete in this division. Very rarely will you find someone willing to start from scratch without any background in a similar activity, whether that is gymnastics, cheerleading, dance, etc. These similarities are what attract most of us fitness gals to the division in the first place.  

Keeping this in mind, we all aren’t necessarily born with a natural ability to flip, jump, turn, and split, it was learned, and typically from a young age. So while we refer to the term “natural ability”, none of the skills we perform are really innate, just simply learned. Therefore, with an immense amount of hard work and practice, these skills can be learned and perfected. It all boils down to your motivation and confidence to reach the top. 


What are some motivational strategies that have or currently work for you?

We all have those days, weeks, months, of feeling unmotivated. Along with many other competitors, I have certain motivational strategies that help me push through those discouraging moments. I keep an ongoing document that has pictures of myself on stage at each show, it helps me gage my progress as well as encourages me to stay focused on achieving a better physique. This will usually pull me out of my funk, at least long enough to train intensely that day. In addition, my surroundings tend to be a daily reminder of keeping motivated, such as the screen saver on my computer, or other competitors’ posts on Facebook. Sharing the difficulties and hardships of contest prep with other like minded individuals can really help with breaking through low motivational times. 


Give me some examples from your life where confidence has helped you to achieve?image

One major life event comes to mind here. Along with the majority of America’s population, I fear public speaking. However, to graduate from my Master’s program, I had to defend my thesis, a year’s worth of research, statistics and writing. Keep in mind, this was one of the longest presentations I have ever given, over two hours, and not only that, it was subject to questioning by 4 professors holding Ph.D.’s in the related field. Thank goodness I had studied this material for a year, because the repetitiveness and my interest in the subject is what gave me enough confidence to achieve this task. 


What do you find the most challenging about competing?

This is a good question, and I wish I could give a direct, precise answer, but I can’t, mostly because my challenges change daily. One day the most difficult part of competing may be routine practice, due to an “off” day. The next day may be challenging as a result of illness, or low motivation. Or better yet, it may be the simple thought of eating another piece of chicken or fish. There are always strong, “conquer the world” days, and there are always hard, “beat you down” days. It’s important to keep in mind that the hard days don’t last but day, and although they may be tough to get through, there is always a strong day bound to follow.


What are your top 5 key strategies for success?

1. Consistency – is a must in order to see change and progress toward a goal.

2. Determination – a key component that is crucial to staying focused on achievement.

3. Motivation – is a requirement for achieving success. Figure out what makes you enthusiastic about your goal and remind yourself of it frequently.

4. Humility – needed to continue to achieve the other key strategies and maintain success. Remember where you started, and the journey you went through to achieve your goals.

5. Fulfillment – a vital part of being successful. In my opinion, success is all a matter of perception. Some think it’s simply achieving a goal, where as I think one must experience a sense of fulfillment before truly being successful.  


What is your favorite protein powder? Why do you like it?

Hands down, my favorite protein is UMP (Ultimate Muscle Protein) from Beverly International. It is one of the best tasting protein powders I’ve had the pleasure of consuming. Speaking of which, too often, supplements are being ingested without knowing what’s in them and why they’re taking them. I love the way this company breaks down each ingredient and provides literature on why it’s incorporated in the product. 


Favorite Inspirational Quote: 

“The gap bimage (5)etween more and enough never closes.” –Jimmy Johns sign 

I love this quote, mostly because it applies to anything and everything, not only competing, but to life itself. 


In closing, Who would you like to give a shout out to?

I’d like to give a shout out to Siemerworks Studios in Effingham for providing all of my training and CrossFit needs, as well as all the people in it. They have been so encouraging through my competitive journey. A big thank you also goes out to Get Fit Family Fitness for all of my tanning and additional training needs, along with Cayla’s Power Tumbling, Cheer and Dance for the use of their space for routine practice. Last but not least, I am so grateful for the continuous support from my family, friends and my number one fan, my husband. Thank You.


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