

Spotlight On NPC Figure Competitor: Amanda Polizzi

Spotlight On NPC Figure Competitor: Amanda Polizzi

Category you compete in: NPC FigureAPolizzi 2

Date of birth: January, 28 1985

Hometown: Virginia Beach, VA

Currently live in Erie, PA

Current Career: Franchise Owner/ Program Director of i9  

                Sports – Erie & Crawford County and Certified 

                Personal Trainer at Real Training & Fitness. 

Past Career: Physical Therapist Assistant (Continue to work per-diem)

Competition history: 

· May 2012 NPC Pittsburgh Championships: 4th Place Figure B Class

· March 2012 “Muscle Mafia” NPC Natural Ohio Championships: 1st  Place Figure C Class 

· April 2011 “Muscle Mafia” NPC Natural Ohio Championships: 6th Place Figure B Class


 Next competition: 

Fall 2013/ Spring 2014 Schedule: TBD


How has your life chaAPolizzi 4nged since you adopted this lifestyle and started competing? 

Well, to be honest my lifestyle has not drastically changed.  Before competing I regularly worked out in the gym and ate moderately healthy.  The biggest changes were incorporating a structured diet and training with even more intensity!  

The other big adjustment is helping my family and friends understand the whole process so they are able to support me without thinking I am completely crazy.  


What have you found to be the best way to balance family, friends, career, this lifestyle, etc… 

When it comes to being understanding my boyfriend, Joe is the best. He has been competing in bodybuilding for the past 10 years. He has definitely been a huge help, whethAPolizzi 3er, it be motivating me to push for one more rep, bringing me my 6th meal because I was too tired to get off the couch or  by giving me the best Christmas present in 2011, my trainer, Jack Sullivan to guide me to the top! He is my biggest fan as I am his and I could not do it without him!

In regard to family, mine is the best! After I won my first local show my mom said to me, “Amanda, I always knew you would do something like this.” She was talking about doing something that involved putting all my hours in the gym to use. My mom, dad, and sisters have all expressed how proud they are of me, my dedication and my accomplishments.  

With work and life I try to stay as normal as possible.  Obviously, I don't have much time outside of my full time job, part time job, per diem job and training to do things often, but I do occasionally try to get out to see a movie or just relax with my man or my friends. Sometimes it really helps to break out of the everyday routine.  

Having the support of my boyfriend, family and friends is a great help when it comes to being able to handle this life. I believe the best way to find balance is to stay positive and keep your eyes on the prize. 

I train by choice, I compete by choice and I diet by choice; therefore, there is no reason to not love every minute of it!


If you could change places with one competitor for the day who would it be and why?

If I could change places with one competitor for a day it would be either Erin Stern or Nicole Wilkins. Both are best of the best at this time.  I just love how quickly they rose to the top.  Erin in just her 3rd show became an IFBB pro. Nicole reminds me a lot of myself, I also grew up very athletic and was a gymnast for 11 years and have always maintained a love for the gym. They are an inspiration and I hope to be in their shoes someday in the near future. Until then, I would like to change places with either of them and get the inside scoop on how they manage their busy lives. 


Name two of the most iGroupnspirational people in your life and tell why they inspire you.

I'm constantly inspired by my family and friends.  I've been very lucky to have wonderful people around me, so to pick two is not easy.  However, the ones that stand out are those that have been there for me through thick and thin.  They have put themselves second and gone above and beyond your typical boyfriend and parental duties.  That being said, Joe Yacone and my parents are the ones who inspire me. To be so selfless and supportive is a gift and I'm lucky to constantly receive this gift from them every day.


Tell one recipe or supplement you can’t live without.

Protein Pancakes:

1 cup Egg whites

½ cup Oats

Optional: Vanilla Protein Powder 

1-2 Tbsp All Natural Peanut Butter

Cinnamon and Splenda for flavor

Spray frying APolizzi 1pan with non-stick cooking spray. Add egg whites and oats (vanilla protein powder can be whisked in if wanted). Cook like a pancake, flipping 1-2 times. (I like to press it with the spatula till the egg stops “squealing” and make it a little toasty on each side.) Remove from pan and place on plate. Spread all natural peanut butter evenly on pancake then sprinkle with cinnamon and Splenda. 

Delish! I honestly eat this at least 1-2 times a day... sometimes more :)


Tell about a typical training day for you.  What exercises, how many sets/reps…etc…

A typical training day would include:

AM cardio on the treadmill high incline for 30 mins

Shoulder / Triceps Workout

1. Side Raises

a. 4 sets – 12,10,8,6 – drop to failure

2. Front Raises

a. Same as sides

3. Front Presses

a. 4 sets of 12

4. Rear Fly’s & Side Raises

a. 4 sets of 10 each

5. Fat Bar Close Grip Presses

a. 5 sets – 12,12,12,8,8

6. Wide Grip Push Downs

a. 5 sets of 10


In closing, Who would you like to give a shout out to?

I would like to give a shout out to all those who have and continue to support me in my training and competition lifestyle! I would not be where I am today without the encouragement of my close friends and family! I thank my parents for their love, raising me to be who I am today, and for taking the trips to come to my shows and support me.  A huge shout out to the best gym around, REAL TRAINING & FITNESS. Thank you to my trainer, Jack Sullivan for pushing me beyond what I thought was possible, helping me achieve my goals and always saying what I need to hear. And last but certainly not least, a special thank you to my boyfriend, Joe for coming into my life, for always being there for me and supporting my dreams! 


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