

Spotlight On NPC Female Bodybuilder: Tami Meyers-Bellon

Spotlight On NPC Female Bodybuilder: Tami Meyers-Bellon

NA's2009-5Category you compete in: Bodybuilding
Date of birth: 11/22/70
Hometown: Fort Wayne, IN
Career: Personal Trainer / Administrative Assistant

How does your family respond to your competing? Mostly they just always ask what I can eat! lol  Seriously, they are very supportive. I haven't really gone into detail about what we do because it kinda' bores them, I think. All they see is the end result and they get excited for me.......and that's enough :)

What kind of goals have you set for yourself, short-term and long-term? When I first started, I had stars in my eyes and wanted it ALLLLLL. Now, I just want to do the best I can. I have taken 2 years off and have re-evaluated a few things. I love the whole process and just want to enjoy every step of it.....even the cardio ;)

What's currently on your iPod? Pretty much a little bit of everything. My favorite stuff to TRAIN to?  Tool, A Perfect Circle, Breaking Benjamin, Awolnation, Blink 182....more rock stuff, but when it comes to cardio: Rihanna, 50 Cent, Three Six Mafia, DMX.....more hip hop – booty shakin' stuff :D

What are your hobbies and interests outside of the bodybuilding world? Hobbies....huh....what's that?!?!? There is no such thing right now! I'm all into school and work. Other than grabbing a coffee with friends, it's all business at this juncture!

Do you have a favorite exercise?2009-8
Well, it varies on the month actually lol – right now I'm really into the inverted leg press. I can feel EVERYTHING in my lower body engaging and I love that.

Competition history:
2007 NPC Northern Kentucky - MW bodybuilding - 3rd place
2008 NPC Julie Palmer Classic - MW bodybuilding - 2nd place
2008 NPC Northern Kentucky - MW bodybuilding  - 5th place
2009 NPC Arizona Open - HW bodybuilding  - 3rd Place (there was an error in my weight class for this show, but it was all good anyway)
2009 IFBB North American's - MW bodybuilding - 5th place

Next competition:
2012 USA – Physique or MW bodybuilding (haven't decided yet)

Favorite Fitness Tip:
It's 80% diet!

Who would you like to thank? God, first and foremost, for keeping me grounded and for that voice directing me when I am being indecisive or veering off into left field, my friends for seeing things in me I can't - and providing the support I really need day-to-day, to the other women in the fitness industry for providing motivation and encouragement.....and to my sponsor, BioMass Nutrition for all of their support :)

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