Are You Healthy?


Being healthy life exithealthy is more than just about the way you look. As competitors we focus on the way we look since on stage that is the majority of the judging. The important question is, are you actually healthy? There are many things that go into being healthy. You cannot judge someone’s health by the way they look. Some good looking people are very unhealthy.

Health starts on the inside with proper nutrition. Remember the old saying ‘you are what you eat?’ Many of us do not get the proper nutrition even if we are eating healthy. There are a couple of reasons for this. The first reason is even if we are eating healthy many of our foods are very nutrient degraded and lack the quality of nutrients our bodies need. The second reason is many of us are not eating enough healthy stuff like veggies, fruits, healthy fats, etc.  I believe you must not only eat healthy foods, but also supplement with a high quality multivitamin/mineral/antioxidant blend that is chelated to ensure better absorption. Typical multivitamins and minerals you get 10-30% absorption. With a chelation process it is much higher.

Hydration is another huge mistake people make. With so many different beverages to choose from many do not drink enough water. Beverages like coffee and sodas can dehydrate you and cause your body to work harder. Being dehydrated has many negative effects. Just a 2% dehydration and our brains function at a lower level. Side effects of dehydration can be cramping, fatigue, hunger, poor digestion, headache, low blood pressure, tachycardia, and muscle weakness, decreased fat burning, and many other issues. I recommend drink one glass of water per an hour under normal daily activities.

The third issue I see with people’s health is a lack of sleep. Sleep is very important for so many reasons. A good way to look at sleep is as a rebooting process for our bodies. We recover and get recharged for the next day. I highly recommend 7-8 hours a sleep a night whenever possible.

The last issue is stress. There are different types of stress and a over abundance of stress can be very detrimental to our health. We have physical, emotional, and chemical stresses that tax the body. Physical stress can be good and bad. Exercising is a physical stress and is good in moderation, but if we over-train it can be bad for us. Emotional stress is one of the worst stresses in my opinion because it’s all around us. Emotional stress can come from family, spouse, work, daily commute, and everything in between. Many of us have emotional stress from our jobs. Emotional stress can take a toll on you if you don’t learn to manage it and get rid of it. Chemical stress comes from prescriptions, drugs, alcohol, and other things we should not be putting in our bodies. Many chemical stresses cause major damage to the body over time. All these stresses combined are a recipe for disaster on your health.

Take a serious look at your health and daily life. Are you really as healthy as you think? What can you do in the next few months to help improve your overall health and mood?  Make a commitment today to start a Three Month Challenge to yourself to improve one or multiple things in your life. I guarantee you won’t regret it! Find me on Facebook and let me know what you decided to change in the next three months.              

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