Embrace The Difficulties!


HowDerek NPC Jr USA 2012 many times do you hear someone that you know within the Fitness Industry complaining about the difficulties of competing, modeling, training, dieting, etc…? Well, if you follow any Social Networking Site or have a large circle of Fitness Friends, I’m sure that you have heard your fair share of this. The truth of the matter is just like the old adage says; nothing that is worth having is easy! This is true of the Fitness Industry, just as it is true of ANY Industry and when you get right down to it, there are no secrets or shortcuts and really anything works, it is just that most people give up before they are successful!  The key to all of this is realizing that it is ultimately our choice and the times in our lives were we are actually forced to do something are very rare, the trick is to learn to embrace the adversities and realize that they are paving the way to success! Yes, Embrace the Difficulties! It is no different than bringing up a lagging body part or working on our weak links, when you embrace and learn to enjoy the difficulties; everything becomes that much more enjoyable and consequently that much easier!

I’d be lying to you if I was to tell you that this makes things easy and that you won’t have “bad days,” actually you are going to have a lot more failures than you are successes, but in the end that is what defines a Champion! Everyone loses, everyone gets knocked down, many will complain, many will quit, and few will use everything in their power to get back up and do it all over again! Those few are the ones that rise above, those few are the ones that Embrace the Difficulties! I suggest getting very familiar with these difficulties and even looking forward to them, because there are going to be a lot of them on the road to success and each one only makes us stronger and builds us up better for the next one! Crazy how it all seems so similar to building our Physiques and it should, because everything is about progression and if we aren’t progressing, we are regressing!

Think of the difficulties as challenges and remember that instead of simply being thankful for all of the good things that come our way, we also should be thankful for these difficulties.  Without these difficulties the triumphs wouldn’t be so sweet! It really is easy to keep a great attitude when everything is going our way, but when the chips are down and our backs are against the wall is when our true character comes out! It is then that we really can shine or fade away and in the end it comes down to either Crumbling under the Difficulties or Embracing them!

Somebody always has it better and somebody always has it worse, but there is nothing better than what we have right now, this moment, this is where we have the chance to define our futures… Will it be easy? I sure hope not, because if it is, it isn’t worth it! Learn to Embrace The Difficulties, they will lead you in the right direction!

    Thank You to ALL who take the time to read My Words, if they are able to help just one person, then I am that much closer to My Goal!

By Derek M. Trombetta

-Stay Strong; It’s more than Physical-

Derek is a Professional Firefighter, Fitness Coach, and MAN Sports™ Sponsored Physique Athlete with a Lifetime of REAL WORLD Experience in the Fitness Industry! For further information you can contact Derek at:

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