Just Do It… For YOU!

How 463280 444604208887484 153047521376489 96035589 935150514 omany times do you hear someone say that they are doing something to show someone else or to prove their “Haters” wrong? We all probably hear this a lot more than we should! With all of the wonderful people and things that we all are surrounded by, what we should be focusing on is all of the good, all of the Positive! We need to realize that everything and I mean everything ultimately comes down to us! No matter how supportive someone is in our lives, they simply cannot do it for us and ultimately it comes down to what we want and what we are willing to do!

It is so very important to surround yourself with those that lift you up, are positive, and have our best interests in mind; but, at the end of the day if we really have not committed to ourselves we will never truly be successful! Each one of us is ultimately the foundation on which we build on for our lives and no matter how nice what we build on that foundation is, it is only as strong as the foundation itself! Imagine having a shoddy foundation (or none at all) and building an amazing home on top of it, it may be great for a while, but there will come a day when it all comes crumbling down and you are left with nothing! Now, imagine having a sound and sturdy foundation and putting up that same structure. It will last year after year and you may even add on to it because it can handle the load! This is the same of our lives, we each need to make sure that what we are starting with is solid and that is the very core of why we do things; Honesty, Integrity, Happiness and a Positive Attitude go a long way to fortify our foundations! We also must first be happy with ourselves before we can truly make others happy! Take the time each day to be Thankful and Happy for what we each have in our lives and also take the time to do things for yourself that fortify your foundation and then begin to add onto it!

No matter how much we all Love those around us, we cannot do it for them, just as they cannot do it for us! We most certainly can all be supportive, receptive, and available for one another and we should be! However, we all need a reminder at times that what we do always is an extension of our core.  That is where the movement and strength truly comes from!

One thing that I LOVE so much about the Fitness Lifestyle is that it mirrors everything else in our lives, having a strong foundation is certainly no different! If you feel that your foundation could be built up, it never is too late! It only is too late if you never start and if you never start, you will never finish!

“If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all.”
-Anna Quindlen-

    Thank You to ALL who take the time to read My Words, if they are able to help just one person, then I am that much closer to My Goal!


By Derek M. Trombetta

-Stay Strong; It’s more than Physical-

Derek is a Professional Firefighter, Fitness Coach, and MAN Sports™ Sponsored Physique Athlete with a Lifetime of REAL WORLD Experience in the Fitness Industry! For further information you can contact Derek at:

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