Fitness Factoids: Volume 37

Fitness Factoids: Volume 37


Bariatric SurgGetting Old When--350ery Slows Aging

New research shows that bariatric surgery may be able to delay aging by lengthening telomeres. Telomeres are the small caps on the end of our chromosomes, similar to the caps on the end of a shoelace. Over time all telomeres begin to fray or shorten as we age. However, high levels of inflammation and oxidative stress cause telomeres to shorten more quickly, thus accelerating the aging process. According to the research performing bariatric surgery on obese patients whose LDL cholesterol and C-reactive protein levels were in the normal ranges prior to surgery showed the ability to increase telomere length, a property that would signal delayed signs of aging.


Low Protein Diets Lead binge eatingto Overeating

Bodybuilders have known for decades to eating a high protein diet has a myriad of health benefits, but the mainstream media has remained reluctant to embrace its effectiveness. A new study conducted by the University of Sydney has found that eating a low protein diet, typical of most vegans and vegetarians will actually stimulate appetite and cause a person to overeat. The study analyzed data from 38 clinical trials that measured caloric intake of people from both sexes and various age ranges. The researchers found that regardless of sex or age those who consumed low amounts of dietary protein often consumed more calories than those who ate moderate-high amounts.


Aerobic Exeraerobic-exercise 09cise Improves Memory and Brain Function

Researchers from The University of Texas at Dallas recently conducted a study that found aerobic exercise has the ability to improve memory and brain function. The study was published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience and may provide insight on how to help prevent age related memory loss. Researchers found that aerobic exercise has the ability to increase blood flow to a region of the brain known as the anterior cingulated, an area that has been shown to have a direct correlation between superior cognition later in life. Researchers note that in order to maintain neuroplasticity as we age people should engage in physical exercise along with mental exercise to improve overall cognitive brain health.


ATP Supplementation Increases Strength anthCA89XYIRd Performance in Men

A study published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism has reported that ATP supplementation in combination with resistance training has the ability to increase muscular strength and performance in men. The study was conducted by Dr. Jacob Wilson and his colleagues at The University of Tampa. For the study twenty-one resistance trained men received either a placebo or 400mg of ATP that was consumed one pre-workout on training days and fasted pre-breakfast on non-training days. Muscle mass and body composition were taken prior to beginning the study and again at 4, 8, and 12 weeks. The group that received ATP supplementation showed increased strength, lean body mass, and muscle thickness while also showing decreases in muscle protein breakdown.


Vitamin D DoesScreen-shot-2012-05-14-at-9 44 44-AM Not Contribute to Kidney Stones

Vitamin D has gained enormous popularity as a supplement that has the ability to have a myriad of health benefits and has even been associated with reducing risk of various cancers and diseases. However, some previous studies have linked higher serum levels of vitamin D with increased risk of developing kidney stones. A new study published in The American Journal of Public Health that was conducted by The University of California has found that serum levels of vitamin D in the range of 20-100ng/ml do not contribute to kidney stones. Researchers noted that there is mounting clinical evidence to support that vitamin D levels should be at least 40-50ng/ml, and that there is no statistically relevant risk to maintaining higher levels.


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