Fitness Factoids: Volume 17

Fitness Factoids: Volume 17

Dietary Fructose Causes Lihigh-fructose-syrup-400x400ver Damage in Animal Model

A study published in the online edition of The Journal of American Clinical Nutrition has found that dietary fructose has the ability to damage the liver, even in the absence of weight gain. Researchers from the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center conducted a six-week long study that tested the effects of a high fructose diet on liver function. In the study the researchers divided monkeys into two groups, each receiving the same caloric value of protein, fat, and carbohydrate in the diet. Group one was fed a diet consisting of high fructose carbohydrates while group two was fed more traditional complex carbohydrates. After analyzing fecal samples and intestinal biopsies researchers found that the group who had consumed high fructose had extensive liver damage due to intestinal bacteria leaking out of the gut and migrating to the liver. Researcher Kylie Kavanaugh said “What we can say is high added sugars caused intestinal bacteria to exit the intestines, go into the blood stream, and damage the liver.”


Consumption of Red Meat Linkgroundbeefed to Diabetes

A study released on Monday by the online edition of The Journal of the American Medical Association of Internal Medicine has linked red meat consumption and the development of type-2 diabetes. The study involved analysis of nearly 150,000 people and analyzed data compiled through questionnaires participants were asked to complete. The study found that over the course of twenty years people who increased their red meat consumption by only one-half serving per day had a 48% greater risk for developing type-2 diabetes than those whose consumption remained the same or decreased. The American Diabetes Association advises people to eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and consume lean meats two-three times per week. The sad truth of this article is that by recommending diabetics increase their carbohydrate consumption while eating less protein and less fat we are able to see exactly the reasons why the health of Americans continues to decline. Until the general public is told the truth – that consuming protein and fat and eliminating grains and processed carbohydrates from their diet will actually improve their health – we can expect to continue seeing a downward trend in the health of the American public.


Green Coffee Bean Extract CalleGreen Coffee Bean Extractd Into Question

A study released by the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry raises questions about the effectiveness of green coffee bean extract as a dietary supplement. The active ingredient in green coffee bean extract is known as chlorogenic acid (CGA), and is one of the many polyphenols contained in coffee. A team of scientists decided to test the effects of high doses of CGA on laboratory mice to determine if CGA did in fact have an impact on metabolism. In the study scientists fed two groups of mice high fat diets, with one group receiving supplemental doses of CGA. Scientists reported that both groups gained the same amount of weight, however, the group that supplemented with CGA was reported to have increase symptoms of metabolic disorder including accumulation of fat in the liver.


Rub Some Dirt on It

Remember scraping your knee when you were a kid and your parents told you to rub someIMG 6424dirt on it? As it turns out, they may have been onto something. Researchers at Arizona State University have discovered a family of antibacterial clays capable of killing bacteria such as E.Coli and MRSA. Researchers tested variety of different clays with similar mineral compositions but with differing levels of metallic ions against E.Coli and MRSA. The clays that contained the highest amounts of the minerals iron, copper, cobalt, and zinc were most effective at fighting the bacteria, which have been known to be difficult to treat using the traditional method of varied antibiotics.


Half of Ground Turkey Contains Feces

The June issue of Consumer Report Magazine contained some shocking news, especially for those who regularly consume ground turkey. According the report, more than half of the packages tested and analyzed by the lab contained traces of feces. It was also reported that nearly 90% of tested samples contained as many as five different types of potentially deadly bacteria including salmonella mds p7f11and staphylococcus aureus. Other findings released in the report include: three samples containing MRSA, 60% of samples contained E.Coli, and nearly 80% of all bacteria was resistant to antibiotics commonly used to treat the animals on large commercial feed-lots.



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