
Enzyme Boosts Metabolism, Prevents Weight Gain in Mice

Male and female mice engineered to express the inflammatory enzyme IKKbeta in their fat tissue ate more but gained less weight. They burned sugar and fat more effectively than mice who were left unaltered. The research may shed light on how obesity and inflammation affect insulin resistance and sensitivity.

In a new study, scientists report that they substantially curbed weight gain, improved metabolism, and improved the efficacy of insulin in mice by engineering them to express a specific human enzyme in their fat tissue. Although the obesity prevention came at the significant cost of widespread inflammation, the research offers new clues about the connections among obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, and inflammation.


October Member of the Month: Jewelisa

offseason1At the RxMuscle forums, we are lucky to have a long list of members who could easily qualify for this monthly honor. Actually, there is a list of usual suspects I could have chosen from, but this month, instead I choose a relative new comer, Jewelisa. I had the good fortunate to meet Jewelisa (real name Lisa Zisa) in St. Louis after Jack and Ann Titone’s St. Louis Pro Show earlier on in the year. At the after party she and I even shared a (dirty) dance!


Can You Handle The Extreme?

Can You Handle The Extreme?

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When you think of “Extreme” do you think of something far beyond the norm? An act of the greatest possible degree of difficulty? Well, my experience at Extreme Training Camp with John Parrillo and Dr. Mike Feulner in Cincinnati, Ohio was no different. I thought I trained pretty hard in the off-season. I never miss a workout, I sweat like crazy, I’m trained by an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder, and I push myself to the point of exhaustion every single day. But, after Extreme Training Camp, I felt as though I don’t train nearly hard enough! This experience opened my eyes to a whole new way of training and executing cardio.


The Real Deal: My Craziest Contest Prep Technique!

sanfranproFor awhile in the late 90’s to early 2000’s Craig Titus and I were training partners. He was always a great friend and he really pushed me in the weight room. Craig had focus in the gym like nobody’s business. He was like me when we trained; always pushing the limits. I’ll go on record right now and declare that nobody at Gold’s Gym Venice trained as hard as me back in the day. I just loved pushing the pain barriers and seeing how much I could handle. Sometimes, I could have pulled back but that’s what made it so great. And that’s what made Craig a great training partner. We shared that same mindset.


X-treme 2 X-treme

200 3X-treme 2 X-treme


There is one item no guy or girl in this industry can EVER have enough of....CLOTHING! You see people walking around the Arnold or Olympia expos carrying huge bags stuffed full of tank tops, tshirts, and sweatshirts that they either bought or received for free (after waiting in line for an hour). After reflecting on this industry truth, photographer Mike Yurkovic decided it was time to start his own clothing line....... and X2X was born! “X2X” stands for "X-treme 2 X-treme” since fitness, bodybuilding and strength athletes take their daily workouts from one extreme to the next. In this exclusive interview, Mike fills us in on the inside scoop on this clothing line and he tells us how you can get involved in its future success.


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