

Rx Girl Articles

Spring… Time to Eat Clean!

beginners guide to clean eatingSpring… Time to Eat Clean!

Hi Rx Girls!


Spring is right around the corner and if you live in San Diego (or California), you know how hot it's been this 'winter'. So it only stands to reason that as we get ready to Spring Forward, on Sunday, March 9th, we also spring into leaning out and start eating cleaner!



When Not Just Any Brush or Color Will Do: The Importance of Competition Hair and Make-up!

81f5e2 7d9c15570ffaa4b25f0e87ec0dd09a19 jpg srz 310 270 85 22 0 50 1 20 0When Not Just Any Brush or Color Will Do: The Importance of Competition Hair and Make-up!


Now, I am no expert on this topic.  I will be the first one to admit that I am not very knowledgeable or good with make-up and hair.  I am pretty much a Chap Stick and pony tail kind of girl… easy, quick and painless.  I give credit to those who know what they are doing and make it look easy. 



Celiac Disease: A Blessing in Disguise for Competitors?

gluten-freeCeliac Disease: A Blessing in Disguise for Competitors?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune response to gluten which results in inflammation in the small intestines and may include symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, fatigue, and diarrhea.  This disease can be extremely debilitating for some people, and for this reason, sufferers need to adopt a gluten-free diet for a lifetime.


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