


Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!



You need a Vacation from Glycation, Inflammation, & Oxidation!  Find out why you need it & how to plan your trip!


Plus: How safe is the food you eat?  Find out as Natural Medicine Guru Dr. Michael Murray joins Host Brian Cunningham for PART II of their conversation on all things health related, only on Quantum Physiques!




Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!


The Science of "Hocus Pocus"... on STEROIDS! How to expose your worst enemy: Your own muscle-bound right closed mind!  Face it and learn to cahrt a new path in life!



Discover how to use the "Illusion of Time" to literally time travel, enlisting the help of your future self pull you forward to a better existence.  This and more is explored with host Brian Cunningham, along with special guest and "Sex & The City" guest star, actress and Spiritual Counselor Debra Robinson!




Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!


Toxic proteins? Is Whey Isolate dangerous? Is there a new fat-burner you can use anytime you want? Can too many antioxidants be BAD for your health?


Plus, how anabolic is the amino acide Leucine and how can you use it most effectively?  All this and more is covered by Host Brian Cunningham on this latest editio of Quantum Physiques!




Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!


An Anabolic & Fat Burning Soda? Listen in to find out what that's all about! 



Is there a "Medical Conspiracy" against you being healthy? Which popular supplements for bodybuilders are potentially toxic? Which popular medications kill almost 500,000 people a year?



All this and more as Host Brian Cunningham welcomes best-selling author and natural medicine guru, Doctor Michael Murray to Quantum Physiques!




Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!


What are the right foods to eat to boost anabolic hormones?  Even better: What foods to avoid is the real key!  Plus, new dangers from estrogens in the environment are more present than previously suspected.  The Diet Prep "Guru" - Broscience, Brilliance or Bullsh--?  Host Brian Cunningham covers these and other nutrition & fitness updates on this episode of Quantum Physiques!




Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!


Back from the 2012 Natural Products Expo, Host Brian Cunningham has some insights to share on the changing shape of Bodybuilding in pop culture. Is Reality TV Star Kim Kardashian the poster girl for our obsession with body image & the rich and famous? Is this the height of our culture or the hype?  Plus some revolutionary new products that need to be checked out!



Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!

 How much does your own mind create the experiences and results you have in life? Can developing your "inner game" get you better results, and faster? Join host Brian Cunningham as he brings in special guest Dr. Denise Nadler to discuss this and many more issues, as only Quantum Physiques can!


Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!

How do Super Heroes from movies and TV Icons like Spartacus, Neo, Ancient Masters like Buddha and Jesus tap into the source of unlimited power?  How does your ego get in the way and hold you back from success?  What is Inner Game and how can we develop it along with unshakable confidence?  

Tonight, host Brian Cunningham discusses what he calls "the four F's of life"!  He's joined by Social Rapport Guru and Dating Coach Jeff Magic, who delves deep into the mindset of the Male mind, and what holds us back from finding our true companion!

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