









Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!



This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio :

This week the boys get a visit from Dan Kovacs, the Ronnie Coleman Signature Series Pro Powerlifter who is out to break the all time Super Heavyweight Raw Powerlifting world record set by the legendary Don Reinhoudt nearly 40 years ago. Dan details the concepts and drive to break that magical 2.400lb barrier. Dan and Bryan also discuss the new RCSS products that will be launched September 1st, just in time for the Mr Olympia.

MLB has some final sentencing for a handful of players caught up in the latest PED scandal. Will A-Rod be foreced out of the game?

FMK goes new school Charlies Angels and this week the boys take time to answer an injury question and the latest Video Breakdown sees Strongman Log Press critique in what has become the shows most popular segment.

All this and much much more on the Rx Power Hour Strength Radio.













Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!



This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio :

This week the boys keep it short and simple. Major League baseball - threats or do they mean business? Who gets suspended and for how long? Is A-Rod gone for good and can any of this stick in a court of law? Plus a HUGE announcement for one of the Rx Power Hour team members and even more news from Mikey J's side of the world; moving out of C-Bus?

This weeks guest is the one and only Mr 3,000 Donnie Thompson. Donnie comes on to discuss Buddy The Bulldog who was put down last week at the ripe old age of 10 years. Every major league strength facility in the US has a mascot dog as part of the team. Buddy has met everyone in the industry. Probably mroe than Mike and Bryan combined. But Donnie is here to talk about the Westside Pro Invitational coming up August 17th at the York Barbell Hall of Fame Museum in York, PA. Some of the heavy hitters from all organizations will be there to post some ridiculous numbers.

Mike and Bryan hit up FMK old school with the O.E. Charlies Angels and Mike and Bryan actually agree for once. Listener questions is back with some praise and questions about a previous PSST segment from Strength Central.

All this and more on this weeks Rx Power Hour Strength Radio.













Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!



This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio :

This week on the Rx Power Hour the boys chose not to have their scheduled guest and instead created the beginning of a larger discussion with Performance Enhancing Drugs. Several mainstream media articles this week fueled the need for an open discussion on GH in the NFL, PED's in MLB and how the WADA figures into the whole debacle.

Sally and Mike break tradition and bring us some south of the border flavor with Tequila of the Week! Mike goes rum barrel aged sipping variety while Sally chooses new school flavored and both are happy with their choices.

FMK has Mike squirming a bit as we go with four Disney Alumni and both Bryan and he agree, there is one overwhelming consensus winner!

On the heels of last weeks Video Breakdown, Mike and Bryan breakdown a terrific 667lb pull by a 193lb guy with a host of congenital medical issues. What he has done is amazing, but Mike and Bryan spot a few deficiencies and hope they can work their magic to help Geoff make that magical 700lb mark.

All this and much more on the Rx Power Hour Strength Radio Show!













Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!



This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio :

First the boys help someone who has created a specialized piece of equipment for the strength community and help him market it. The ManHammer is a newly conceptualized and produced tool for a multitude of uses in the gym, training field, crossfit and overall conditioning modalities. Joe Walker sold his very first unit to training juggernaut Brian Dobson of Metroflex Arlington with Ronnie Coleman by his side. Talk about scoring big right out of the gate.

The second guest needs no introduction, but if I didn't you wouldn't know who you might be missing out on! TV and Video Producer to RxMuscle, the Porn industry and most specifically, The Rx Power Hour comes on to talk about his journey through electronica in two countries and his 2012 Olympia Weekend Internship/job interview with Dave Palumbo and Bryan Hildebrand!

This week sees a new segment called "Breakdown"! Listeners are sending in video for Mike and Bryan to Breakdown and critique to help them to improve their lifts and overall performance. The videos then can be viewed on the Power Hour page and reviewed by our followers!

FMK x 2. One for SallyAnne and one for Mikey J. They also tackle Beer of the Week! News, insights and more with the boys on the Rx Power Hour Strength radio program!













Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!



This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio :

 This week Mikey J returns from Mexico with a few war stories, a sun tan body and a mildly engorged liver! Tequila, steroids and recreational drugs were all on the beach offering but Mikey J says "No Mas"!
This weeks guest is the newest ASC Pro who won Odd Haugens Strongman event at the San Jose, Ca. Fit Expo, Bulgarian native, Dimitar Savatinov. The former Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey strongman talks about the days in the circus where he was regularly run over by a Jeep with 7 people inside of it! He is also claiming, and the boys actually believe it, that his overhead press is in excess of 500lbs! With the September Americas Strongest Man event at the Mr Olympia weekend in his sites, is he the dark horse?

SallyAnne sits in for Bryan for Beer of the Week which again sees Mike stepping out of his comfort zone and into something more akin to Elvis. Listener questions and a Legal Battle bring up the FMK! It's an FFMMKK!

All this and much more on the Rx Power Hour Strength Radio program.













Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!



This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio :

 This week on The Rx Power Hour, the boys are, well not boys so much! Mikey J is south of the border enjoying the Sun, Tequila and Christa T for her birthday! Sitting in with Bryan is the one and only C.O.O. of RxMuscle.com, SallyAnne Taylor. Also joining them is the Bearded Seattle Giant - ASC Pro Andrew Palmer.
Together SallyAnne and Andrew dish on this weeks Beer of The Week as Bryan is in prep mode and won't be drinking for 19 weeks! Oh my! Can he make it? Andrew discusses his trip as part of the dynamic foursome of Americans who traveled two days to compete in Siberia against a top notch Russian strongman team. The trio also discuss Strongman at Gay Pride? It is a possibility!

Listener questions include understanding what a drugs "half-life" is and how no two are the same. Sally also inquires about the differences with different testosterone esters and which one is best?

Celebrity birthdays, this weeks top stories and SallyAnne lays down this weeks FMK with what many would consider the penultimate question - Bisexual actresses! All this and more on this weeks Rx Power Hour Strength Radio!













Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!



This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio :

 This week on the Rx Power Hour, Mikey J gets ready for some international R&R south of the border and we discuss plans for our special guest host next week. Mike and Bryan tackle the Karma that befell the douchebags at the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas as well as the "paid for testimony" from the Miami physician behind the baseballs newest PED scandal.
This weeks guest is one of the fastest rising stars in powerlifting, the world record raw title holder in the 242lb class of 2171lbs set earlier this year in Australia, California's own Dan Green. Dan looks more like he is ready to don posing trunks and hit the bodybuilding stage, but this guy is a true Juggernaut athlete and talks about his old school approach to prepping for a meet and his nutritional choices of Oreos and Burritos!

A special FMK for SallyAnne, celebrity birthdays, Bryan's proud moment knowing Mike has outgrown shitty Miller Light staple and is expanding his horizon to new beers and styles on this weeks Beer Of The Week.

All this plus listener questions a shout out to the school of hard knocks on the deadlift platform... on the Rx Power Hour Strength Radio!













Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!



This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio :

This week Mike and Bryan  talk about a very sensitive subject; Lying to the woman in your life. OK, it wasn't exactly a lie, it was more of a "hey honey, guess what?" And by that Mike told his Christa T on Friday, that he had been secretly prepping for a powerlifitng meet, the following day! Listen in as Mike discovers, admittedly, that overt training at age 40+ is a real condition!

The boys discuss the One Million Moms latest uproar over a near nude male model on a picnic blanket. God forbid that someone might see a penis. Bryan tells it how he sees it in a very, uh, non PC sort of way. Mike breaks exclusive news about the events for the North American Strongman Nationals in October and an update on the Americans scheduled for Giants Live events in the upcoming weeks.

This weeks guest is the Hardcore Powerlifting Chairman of the Bench, Sean Katterle as he talks about his upcomingJuly 13thevent at the Branch Warrne Classic and the return of the greatest deadlifter to ever walk the face of the planet, Iceland's own Benedikt Magnussen to the Hardcore Powerlifting stage plus $4,000 in prize money!

FMK goes Olympia! Birthdays include the Father of Existentialism and hot babes! all this and more on the fastest growing radio program on the internet - The Rx Power Hour! 




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