“Blast” of the Month: Arm Blast


Heytricep side guys, thanks for checking out the August edition of the “Blast of the Month” workout exclusively here on RxMuscle.com. This month we are blasting arms, so lets get to it!  Here is this month’s “Blast of the Month!”

“Sun’s Out…”

Cable Curls: 100 total reps
Start it off with some cable curls for 100 total reps, as many sets as it takes. Use a moderate weight here.

Overhead Dumbbell Extensions: 20, 15, 12, 10, 8
Increasing weight with each set.
---superset with---
Straight Bar Curls: 20, 15, 12, 10, 8
Increasing weight with each set. Elbows in front of your body for these! 

Skull Crushers w/ Presses: 15, 12, 10, 8
Increasing weight with each set. After the skull crushers, go right into presses off the chest. Start with 20 and increase by 10 each set even though the weight is increasing.
---superset with---
EZ Bar Reverse Curls: 12, 12 x 4 (dropset)
Heavy for 12 then drop the weight for another 12. Yes a dropset within a superset!

Weighted Bench Dips: 100 total reps
Finish with weighted dips between two benches for 100 total reps, as many sets as it takes!

Your arms should be swollen after this one!! For those interested in trying my Blast Training System in its entirety, it can be found here: www.HughesFIT.com/store. Be sure to check out all the feedback regarding the training system by heading to my Facebook Page www.facebook.com/MensPhysique or on Twitter with the hashtag #BlastTrainingSystem. If you like the workouts, check out the new “Blast” clothing available on my website as well and rep the system! Thanks for reading and enjoy the workout! I will be back next month.

Ryan Hughes
IFBB Men’s Physique Pro

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