5 Tips To Maximize Your Next Gym Visit

For Tim Roberts Barbell Curlthe majority of us, heading to the gym is an important aspect of our day. So making the most of that visit is crucial to your results. Here are some tips to help you improve the quality of your next workout.

1.    Bigger Better Arms – Keeping your elbows held close to your torso will help get you the most from each rep. Remembering never to sway and isolate best as possible.

2.    Raging Bulls – When doing a calf exercise, pushing off of your larger toe gets you better activation of the muscle. I like performing 100 reps occasionally in a single set

3.    Bring Your H20 – having water handy will not only keep you close to your machine, but away from the drinking fountain. Drinking too much water from where its dispensed allows you to take in small amounts of air repeatedly, potentially making you feel bloated.

4.    Warm-Up – just performing a modest 5min warm-up will aid in Increased Tissue Temperature, GH Response, Lipids Release, Peptide Activation and Cleaning of the Lymphoid System.

5.    Bring A Combination Lock – an average lock cost’s $5.00. If you visit your gym at least 5 days a week, you could be spending close to $120.00 on just locker fees in a single year. Keeping this type of lock with you is a convenient way to avoid carrying a key around and paying the cash.

Whether you are an avid competitor or average Joe, being efficient in a Sports Club is beneficial to you and your muscle!

By Timothy Roberts, NASM CPT, Pharmafreak Athlete

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