Weight Training Near 40


I apr-sep-upgraderemember back in the good old days when I…”  It’s what I used to hear in the gym when I was in my 20’s, from the older guys.  Back in the day, when I was in my prime, listening to the older guys speak about what they used to do was becoming a broken record.  I thought to myself if they want to they can still lift heavy why not, right?  I would lift a ton just to prove to myself that I could and felt as if people in the gym were watching me.  I did grow from a measly 118lbs to a little over 200lbs in a few summers from lifting heavy.  I got into the mindset that lifting heavy was the only way to grow. I was lifting heavy and eating big.  Since I lived 2 blocks from Gold’s Gym in Pasadena, I was able to lift anytime day or night.  I even wore wraps on my elbow and knees to get those weights up! Now I’m in my late 30’s and sometimes the beast from my prime wants to come out and lift like that again; but, my body is just not as responsive.

Last year at this time, I competed at 153lbs on a 5’9 frame.  I was coming off of 2 basketball leagues and straight into training for a Men’s Physique competition.  I didn’t get a chance to put any new weight on.  Later, I was fortunate to have a good friend who has been bodybuilding since he was a teenager to coach me through my journey to compete with a heavier frame.  Initially, I thought to myself, “Oh S^&@ What did I get myself into; a bodybuilder is going to train me? I have to be ready to lift a car and a tank!”

With his knowledge, experience, and competitions under his belt, I was amazed on how much detail was put on each exercise, every repetition was accounted for, and the position of our body was at a precise angle. Here’s the best part…we weren’t lifting heavy.  It was a surprise to me! Our weight was about 1/8 the normal weight I normally would do.  I went for this regimen knowing that it would benefit me since my body will not respond to heavy lifting anymore.  I have a bruised elbow and knee, a dislocated bone in my right shoulder, and achy back that will spasm.  Our focus was contractions, slow movement and full range of motion. We focus on squeezing at each low point and making sure that with each repetition the blood pumps into the targeted area.  In all of our gym sessions, whether it was chest, deltoids, back, arms, or even legs, it was all light weight with high intensity slow repetitions.

Aside from lifting, I had to complement my dedication in the gym with a good weight gain regimen.  The fact is as I got older my metabolism has slowed down.  I have to compensate by changing how I eat to increase my metabolism.  I was eating almost the same things as I would for a show, but just increasing the portions.  For example: I increased from 6-8oz or protein up to 10oz and from ½ cup of carbs to about 2 cups.  It was a lot of calories but it sure put good quality weight on me while keeping my abs tight.  At one point, while I was on my work break, I had to psych myself up just to eat.  I was very strict on following my regimen.  The end result was excellent!  The show I was training for in Sep 18th, which was the NPC Tournament of Champions, I weighed in at 172lbs, won my Masters 35+ Class and took 3rd in the open B Class.  From my second Men’s Physique Competition in June 18th, I weighed in on stage at 156lbs.  I put on a good quality 18lbs in 3 months! I was extremely happy with the results of the hard work!

I can’t guarantee that every competitor or fitness junky that is around my age will experience these results. It’s all up to how your body responds.  I’ve seen guys my age that can still lift like a monster.  I am envious at times, but I found a way to work around it that works for me.  I accepted that whenever I come into the gym I leave my ego at the door and know that I have no one to prove anything to.  Now I’ the older guy that says, “I used to do that!”  Though lifting heavy was a ton of fun, I am ecstatic to have come across this lightweight method. I’m happy to say that lifting lighter and smarter has given me my best body ever.

Are you lifting to create your best body or just to move weight?

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