The Real Reasons

Being253670 10150217218271338 507686337 7529390 5806016 n in the midst of the holidays, it’s time to reflect on The Real Reasons! As I finished up my shopping I couldn’t help but to think to myself about how caught up we can get and distracted from The Real Reasons that we do what we do, or at least why we began to do them in the first place! Christmas isn’t about money, it isn’t about obligations, and it isn’t even about presents! What it really is about is helping out one another and lifting one another up! If the reason we are doing something for someone else is because we feel obligated or it is just what everyone else is doing, then we need to stop and think about The Real Reasons we do what we do during the holidays! You see, when we focus on The Real Reasons, it becomes that much more special!

Just as with Christmas, we tend to overlook The Real Reasons why we began our Journey Into The Fitness Lifestyle in the first place! In other words, at times we need to get back to our roots and remember what it was that drove us down the path that we now find ourselves on! Things become so much easier and just seem to fall into place when we are doing them for the Right and Real Reasons! Instead of “having” to do something, we suddenly “want” to do it! We all have Desires and Dreams that are deeply seeded within us and sometimes we get so caught up in doing the things that we feel we have to day in and day out, that we forget why we were even doing them and what we were doing them for!

We need to keep ourselves grounded at times and one of the best ways to do this is to remember what The Real Reasons were originally behind what we are doing! Often times we may even find that we are very off track and have allowed ourselves to go down another path because we began to listen to other people’s versions of what our Desires and Dreams should be! It really is quite amazing how so many people would rather spend their time and effort on telling others what they should be doing, rather than working towards their own Desires and Dreams and supporting others and their journey! The circle of life really is a wonderful thing and if we continually put out Positivity and Support Others that is exactly what we will eventually receive in return!

As we come to an end of this year, take time to remember what The Real Reasons are that you began on YOUR JOURNEY… It is not about simply going through the motions when it is Real!

By Derek M. Trombetta

-Stay Strong; It’s more than Physical-
Derek is a Professional Firefighter, Fitness Coach, and MAN Sports™ Sponsored Physique Athlete with a Lifetime of REAL WORLD Experience in the Fitness Industry! For further information you can contact Derek at:
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