3 Meals Won't Cut It or YOUR WAIST

When I was growing up the only meals I can ever remember eating(excluding snacks) were the core Three; Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. That was the norm you would typically eat three times a day and maybe a few snacks in between. Nobody ever really questioned it or even thought about changing it. Well what our parents didn't know is that this is not the most efficient means to take in our daily nutrients. When you really sit back and put some serious thought into it  you can easily see the faults this type of eating schedule brings.


For example if you have five tasks to complete for the day and you decide to sit down and do them all at once, in an hour, how efficiently or effectively do you think you will be able to complete each task? You may rush through them, make mistakes, skip important steps or even have to redo them again. Now if you had those same five tasks and decided to do them one at a time throughout the entire day, you could spend more time on each one. This ensures that they were completed properly, accurately and with the highest level of quality possible. So why would you want to  force your body to try and handle the breaking down and digestion of large quantities of food all at once, when a much better and efficient method would be to give it several small quantities of food spread throughout the entire day.



It's much easier for our bodies to properly utilize all the essential nutrients, if we give it smaller meals to digest. Not only are several smaller meals more efficient for your body, but it also triggers your body to store less of the extra nutrients as fat. Protein, fat and carbohydrates are the sources your body utilizes for energy production. When it's not getting fresh supplies of these nutrients it  will attempt to hold on to as much of the extra nutrients as possible, which will be stored as fat. This is to ensure the body can continue to function properly when no more fresh energy sources are provided and available. The body has this built in survival mechanism that causes it to store more of your incoming nutrients as fat when it's not sure if more food will be provided for it to breakdown and utilize.



So when you go long periods throughout the day without eating you are essentially sending the signal to your body that it could be on the verge of starving. When you eat more often typically every 2-3 hours you reassure your body that it will constantly have a fresh incoming source of nutrients for it to use  and there is really no need for as much of it to be stored as fat. Therefore this will allow your body to break down and use the food that you consume more completely and efficiently and the end result is your body's metabolism will be naturally elevated. Your metabolism is what determines how many calories your body is able to burn each day. So having it elevated will help you stay leaner, even without adding a lot of extra cardio to your routine. If you are still only eating three times a day and you're wondering why you're not getting the kind of results you have been looking for, maybe it's time you make a change and finally ditch the old outdated  three square meals a day eating plan. You don't have to eat seven to eight meals every day like I do, but you should definitely try adding in a few more to cut down on the amount of time your body has to go without a fresh supply of nutrients.


I'll leave you to think about Albert Einstein's definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results."

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