Purpose Driven Training

Statistics derekare an interesting concept; So many sight statistics as a way to prove or disprove an idea, yet anyone who looks deeply into statistics knows that they can be swayed to whatever perspective it is that we wish the outcome to be! The concept that when we are looking for something, we will eventually find it is very true when it comes to statistics. I feel that it is always important to look where the actual numbers are coming from and often times to use statistics to get a general feeling of what the outcome is can be much more valuable. One general statistic that holds very true is that there is a very small percentage of the population that regularly writes down Their Goals, revisits them, and thus achieves them! Just as I stated earlier, when we are looking for something, we will eventually find it; So, start looking for Your Goals and you will be very pleased and surprised to see that you find them!

I have always believed in Living and Doing Things with Purpose, the earliest example that I can think of with this was when I was about 5 years old I asked my Grandfather why he wore his watch “backwards,” he wore and still wears his watch with the face on the underside of his wrist as opposed to the top. My Grandfather explained to me that wearing your watch on the top of your wrist makes the face much more susceptible to damage and he didn’t want his watch to be damaged. This simple statement was quite the lesson to me and I am not quite sure if he even realized it, but it made so much sense to my young mind that if My Grandfather, a man who I highly respected paid such attention to detail right down to his watch and did it with Purpose, that there must be something to it! Ever since that day I have strived to Live and Do Things with Purpose, not to simply go through the motions and not know the underlying reasons behind them are. To this day I am constantly amazed by how many people will make statements or do things and when asked why or what they are doing it for, they have no answer! Just as with statistics, when we know where the actual numbers are coming from, we have a much clearer understanding of the outcome!

Purpose can and should be applied to all levels of Our Lives, but one area that many of us in the Fitness Industry fail to apply Purpose is with our very own training! One very simple and highly effective way to do this is to simply write down Our Goals and hold ourselves accountable for achieving them! This should be a very sincere process, writing down Our Goals is REAL and not to be taken lightly, once it is on paper, it is up to us to achieve it! Writing down Goals that are unrealistic or never revisited will only do damage. This goes back to the old adage of expecting others to do what they say they will do, so why treat ourselves any different?

When writing down Goals I find it best to use the S.M.A.R.T. Format;


When this format is used, taken seriously, and followed through with, it is actually difficult to NOT achieve Our Goals!

    When we write down Our Goals, the 3 things that I always recommend are; 1. Date It, 2. Start with “I WILL”, and 3. Sign It! These 3 simple steps will have you setup for success from the very beginning! After you write your S.M.A.R.T. Goal down, don’t stop there, place it somewhere where you will constantly see it, make more of them to place around, say it to yourself throughout the day, visualize what it would feel like to accomplish Your Goal, and hold yourself accountable! One great way to make sure that you constantly see Your Goal is to take a picture of it and put it as the background on your phone, most of us look at our phones throughout the day already and this way you will see Your Goal each time you do so! It is also important to share Our Goals with someone that will hold us accountable and push us to be better; this could be a Friend, Spouse, Teammate, Etc… But, we need to share it!

    When we have Direction and take Action, we truly become unstoppable! Take the time to have a clear understanding of why you are doing the things that you do and you will be pleasantly surprised to find that things will become more enjoyable and less stressful! Statistics are a useful tool to get messages across, but in order to become part of the equation we must take Action! Purpose Driven Training is REAL and will ultimately allow us all to turn Our Dreams into Our Reality!

    Thank You to ALL who take the time to read My Words, if they are able to help just one person, then I am that much closer to My Goal!

By Derek M. Trombetta


-Stay Strong; It’s more than Physical-
Derek is a Professional Firefighter, Fitness Coach, and MAN Sports™ Sponsored Physique Athlete with a Lifetime of REAL WORLD Experience in the Fitness Industry! For further information you can contact Derek at:
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