After Hours Radio

After Hours Radio (01-22-10): John Romano's Medical Marijuana Seminar!


John Romano is a Medical Marijuana Expert!

John Romano explains why medical marijuana is better than the stuff you grow in your backyard.

. . . Mr. G "straightens out" his girlfriend! He also tells us who Gay Ron is!

Jimmy "the Angry Bull" Pellechia gets docked pay for not showing up!

. . . . and Derek explains why he wants to punch Romanoin the jaw!

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After Hours Radio (01-15-10): Chef Diego Burns Down Dave's House!


Who let this guy in the kitchen?

Diego's good deed nearly destroys Dave Palumbo's kitchen, but luckily John Romano's fast thinking of "using towels to silence the smoke detector" proves... futile!

Mr. G doesn't let girlfriends get in the way of his cheat meals!

How many suspensions does Jimmy "The Angry" Bull have under his driving record?

And Derek Anthony finally gets his own radio show, co-hosted by Jeff The Producer!

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After Hours Radio (01-08-10): 5 pounds of STEAK in an HOUR!


Can these guys eat 76oz of steak in an hour?

The Whack Pack heads over to J&R Steak House to see if anyone can meet the challenge of eating a 76oz Steak in 1 hour.

Jimmy "The Angry" Bull Pellechia challenges Dave to see who can digest the most sesame seeds. John is appointed as head judge and has to count how many seeds "come out intact".

Derek Anthony drops in and tries to explain to Jimmy what Twitter is.

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After Hours Radio (12-31-09): The Whack Pack Year In Reivew!


Who is ARNOLD trying to call?

It's the final AFTER HOURS RADIO show of the year and Dave Palumbo, John Romano, Jimmy "The Angry Bull" Pellechia and Jeff The Producer pick the top 12 WHACK PACK highlights of 2009!

...And who is ARNOLD trying to reach on the phone???


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After Hours Radio (12-24-09): Fairy G., Angry P, Fat D, Bella and Abby!


The RXMUSCLE Xmas Eve Special!

Bobby Smalls explains what Dave should expect to see, eat, and experience when he visits the Smalley's for Christmas Eve dinner.

. . . Jimmy 'The Angry" Bull explains how he shaves his head and why he hates Christmas!

Diego gains another 20lbs of fat and The Fairy Who Grants Wishes For Xmas "G" tells Retard Bruce stories!!

. . . . and John finally finishes the studio!

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After Hours Radio (12-18-09): Santa G, Jimmy P and Derek!


Santa G brings no presents!

Is that really Mr. G's new Girlfriend that Santa G brought in?  Bobby "The White Biggie" Smalls returns from planet bizarro to bring a new logo for RXMUSCLE - 10 months too late!

Derek Anthony is no longer banned, Jimmy Pellechia hates Christmas, and Dave and John do their best to make sense of the choas that insues!

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