Mens Physique Articles

Meet MP Competitor Chris White



Today MP1we are chatting with National Level MP Competitor Chris White.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?  
Thanks Ian. Well actually my friend and team mate IFBB pro Dean Michael introduced me to our current coach Dan Hawtin of G-force.  I was looking to get into shape for a photo shoot so I met up with him to get a diet and within minutes of seeing me he said I should look into competing within men’s physique and the rest is history...


“Blast” of the Month: Shoulder Blast "Bullet Proof"

HeyShoulders Septemer 2012 guys, thanks for checking out the September edition of the “Blast of the Month” workout exclusively here on RxMuscle.com. This month we are blasting shoulders, so lets get to it!  Here is this month’s “Blast of the Month!”

“Bullet Proof”

Dumbbell Arnold Press: 75 total reps...


IFBB Valenti Gold Cup: MP Pro Shows Find Their Stride



ThisValenti Callout weekend Florida was home to the most recent MP competition at the pro level.  Early on the MP division at the pro level had some sputtering moments primarily due to a lack of the total number of pro’s available to compete.  It appears these growing pains are a thing of the past as we look at the showing at the IFBB Valenti Gold Cup.

A total of 14 pro’s showed up to display their hard work and board shorts in Sarasota.  Many were on the stage before as pro’s while some were making their first appearance in a contest when money was on the line.
Taking 1st place was...


Team Canada Men's Physique Results at the 2012 North Americans

  Pittsburgh,Mike Raso PA played host this past weekend to the 2012 IFBB North American Championships.  The size of this event was enormous, so the championships were held over two days.  Saturday, September 1st had Men’s Physique take to the stage, with over 100 athletes in total representing this category.  Many of us have all heard the results that Anton Antipov was the overall winner for Men’s Physique and Donta Tanner won the overall title for Men’s Physique over 35.  In addition to these overall winners, there were six other Men’s Physique competitors that earned their Pro Cards on this day.

  Filling the ranks of these elite level competitors, were a handful of Team Canada Men’s Physique competitors making the journey to vie for their shot at earning the coveted Pro Card.  The top placing Canadian competitor was Mike Raso, from Ontario, who placed 5th in Class D...


Meet MP Competitor Ryan Hediger



JoiningAV9G8188 QXDKYZRVBD us today is Ryan Hediger.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Two years ago, I heard rumors of a Men’s Physique division coming about. Although I have always had an appreciation for bodybuilding and admired the dedication it took to step on stage, I never wanted to carry around that much muscle. When MP was introduced, I knew it was right up my alley.

Can you tell us a little about the show in which you just competed?
My most recent competition was the Warrior Classic. What a party! Between celebrating my girlfriend’s birthday, my birthday and my brothers first time competing, the weekend was unreal. Hands down the most fun I’ve had on stage! To sum it up, a great weekend spent with my family, closest friends, filled with amazing food…now that’s livin’!


Protein Denaturing and What it Means For You



Proteins protein denaturingare comprised of amino acids arranged like beads on a string (primary structure) which are then folded upon themselves by means of hydrogen bonds (secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures).  This intricate folding can be very complex, conferring specificity which defines a protein’s biological activity.  If such higher structures are disrupted, such as by temperature extremes, altered salt concentration or changes in pH, a protein’s biological activity can be reduced or completely obliterated.  

When most proteins are heated beyond 41 degrees Celsius (105.8 degrees Fahrenheit), the bonds are broken, thus resulting in denaturing of proteins.  When you consider the fact that normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, not much heat is required to break down a protein.  Most stoves have broiling air temperatures up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit, with the surface temperatures of food reaching higher temperatures as a result of direct radiation from the heating elements.  In essence, normal cooking practices heat proteins well above the temperatures at which they become denatured...


NPC North American Championships MP Wrap-Up



Thisnorth americans front comparison class c past weekend the IFBB North American Championships were held in Pittsburgh, PA.  Ladies competed on the first day.  All men competed on the second day of the show September 1st.  The North American Championships grew considerably from last year largely due to the continued growth of the Physique Division.  When it was all said and done 8 pro cards were awarded to MP Competitors.  Class winners in both Open and Masters were awarded cards.  This was different than the North American last year when the top two per open class were awarded cards.  It will be interesting to see how the cards are divvied up at this show in 2013.  The pro card winners were...


Meet MP Competitor Mike Montes



With488209 458516980836843 753946783 n us today is Mike Montes after making the switch from Bodybuilding to Physique.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Thanks D! In the past I have always competed in bodybuilding, but with this new up and coming class I decided to give it a try...


Meet MP Competitor Corey Hammac



Joining  MG 6295-WEBus today is Corey Hammac.  Congrats on your recent Over-all win!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
I have been into lifting and sports nutrition since I was a freshman in high school.  Around my senior year, I became a huge fan of bodybuilding and have loved it for the last 10 years.  In 2008 I started training with a coach to start getting ready to compete in bodybuilding, but could never fully commit to it because of being in college, work, and having practice 4 times a week (I was a University of Louisville cheerleader, which is funny because IFBB pro Mike Liberatore cheered there in the early 2000’s as well!).  Once I graduated and was no longer practicing all the time, I needed something to do with my spare time.  Well, I love training, I knew plenty about nutrition and dieting (partially from working at a Major supplement retail chain for years and also my degree in Biology- which I focused on the health field & nutrition), and loved bodybuilding (but couldn’t ever see myself being 260 at 5’9 and enjoying life) so I looked into the Men’s Physique Division.  Plenty of people said I would do well, as I already had the body type that seemed to be winning, and I was used to being on a stage in front of thousands of people; so I gave it a shot and instantly fell in love with it.


Meet MP Competitor Anthony Barillo



JoiningNP.JPG us today is College Student Anthony Barillo.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Ever since the day I started lifting I became fascinated by the bodybuilding world. I decided to enter my first competition in May 2011. I did the NGA Natural Philadelphia show. I didn’t have a trainer at the time but I researched and viewed forums daily trying to seek advice. I came into the show not completely prepared, and I just wasn’t muscular enough for the bodybuilding world. I didn’t end up placing at that show, but that is where I met my current trainer, who inspired me to try out a physique show. Physique seemed like more of an attainable goal for me because I knew I still have a lot of time ahead of me until my body grows to its fullest.


Meet MP Competitor Tyler Markovich



Joining Axe!us today is the Overall Winner at the NPC Armburst Pro Gym Warrior Classic, Tyler Markovich.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?  
My interest in Men’s Physique Division began at the start of the year through a friend that had been a huge influence in my life when I was younger. His name is Kyle VanHorn. He has always been into fitness and also competed in bodybuilding taking 1st and overall at his first and only competition. We both shared the passion of training and disciplining our bodies because it is so easily related to our faith.  After we spoke that night, I looked into Men’s Physique. It was just introduced the year before and still very new. I found the healthy lifestyle and discipline of Men’s Physique very appealing, so I decided to do a show.


Meet MP Competitor Ben Rodriguez



Joining Ben Rodriquezus today is Ben Rodriguez.  First off, congrats on the awesome transformation and additionally congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
After losing the excess weight, living a healthy lifestyle, doing some fitness modeling here and there and being engaged to my fiancé, which has competed before got me started. I just love it!

Can you tell us a little about the show in which you just competed?
I just recently competed in my second competition at The NPC Southern States, placing 7th in class C men’s physique...


Meet MP Competitor Micah Buck


JoiningIMG 0851 us today is Micah Buck.  Congrats on a great showing at the NPC Colorado State Championships!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
I came from a body building background with the ABA and throughout my service in the United States Marine Corps. Going into the Men’s Physique Division was a better choice for me than to do continue with the body building into the NPC. I have a multiple people, coaches, trainers, and fellow competitors tell me to try the Men’s Physique Division. They said that I have a very marketable look and would really look great in the Men’s Physique Division. So once I was Honorably Discharged from the United States Marine Corps in June of 2011, I decided to do a competition here in Colorado. The NPC Northern Colorado Championships was my first NPC Men’s Physique Division competition.


Try a Dose of Perturbation


If you’veAngel arms 1 ever subjected your skeletal system to the bone threatening pressure of a heavy barbell during a grueling set of squats, bench press or dead lift, which I am sure you have, you likely did so for a highly compelling reason… GROWTH!  Too be more exact, “Muscular Growth.”   That pressure is called PERTURBATION which happens to be one of my favorite words and Mindsets.  Perturbation in this context means, “An alteration of the function of a biological system, induced by external or internal mechanisms.”  


Meet MP Competitor Kerry Brudos



Joining 381418 202757403136089 1754214985 nus today is Kerry Brudos.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Actually Ian, finally feeling confident with my body is why I wanted to compete in the Physique Division. I grew up the scrawny kid, which made me very self-conscious. I had been training for 5 years until I had met a friend who was getting ready for a show and asked if I was getting ready for the same one. That was huge for me, so I decided to take a leap and go for it. I did my research and fell in love with the Physique division!! I play golf at a competitive level and I love that with the Physique division I don’t have to get so big that I can’t swing the club anymore...


Meet National Level MP Competitor David Gonzalez



Joining OAMGus today is National Level MP Competitor David Gonzalez.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
What appealed me to the division was that it promoted a healthy look and lifestyle. It was a new and fast growing division that brought in tremendous athletes from various athletic backgrounds. To be aesthetic, well-proportioned and conditioned is something I continually strive to be. This division promotes that, and was a perfect opportunity for me to hone in my skills to see how I compared to other respectable athletes. More importantly, being that this division is still relatively new, I wanted to be a part of the elite group that helps shape where this division goes.


To Burn or Not to Burn: That is the Question

We’ve lactic acidall heard the phrase, “no pain, no gain”.  Many of us try to go for the burn when we workout.  Those who have been trying to reduce body fat in a specific place on their body have thought they were being more effective when they felt the burn during the exercise.  And - years ago - Joe Weider espoused something called “The Weider Principles”.  They included such techniques as “super sets”, “break-down sets”, and “forced reps” - all of which are based on “the burn” (i.e. fatigue).  But is the burn productive, and - if so - for which goal?  Is the burn an indicator of “effective exercise”?  Let’s take a closer look.

What IS the Burn?  Hint: It's cause is to the left...


The CBBF Men’s Physique Nationals 2012 Wrap Up

  This Overall Battleturned out to be a record setting show for the CBBF, with over 250 athletes competing in this year’s event, held at the Massey Theatre in New Westminster, BC.  The show’s promoters Sandra Wickham and Ross Webb, put on an amazing event that was executed in stellar fashion.

  As for Men’s Physique, 25 competitors faced off on stage with the hopes of taking home the one IFBB Pro Card that was being awarded to the overall MP winner...


Is Massage For YOU? 10 Considerations


Manymassage athletes spend countless hours working there muscles, improving their strength and increasing their cardio-vascular abilities.  Ask any good coach though and they will tell you that recovery, when training in any sport, is a vital piece of success.  Recovery often requires resting the body and one way to do this is through massage therapy.  People often think of massage as relaxation and stress relief, but there are countless ways it can benefit your fitness routine.  Licensed massage therapist Sharon Koski offers the following top ten ways massage can be an excellent tool in helping your athletic performance.


Fat Burning: The Facts

At ABS 2some point or other we have all wanted to burn off some body fat, but what if you want fast results? Well fear not, here are my top tips to help burn off that tire around your waist.

1. Pre-breakfast Morning Cardio

Studies show that working out in the morning burns up to 3 times more fat compared to working out at any other time during the day. To get into the 'fat burning zone' a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio is required.


The Stage is the time to CELEBRATE!

I haveDerek NPC Jr USA 2012 had the honor of being involved with Men’s Physique since it started which has allowed me to see the already many changes in this still very new division and one thing that has held true since the start is that your poise and presentation are a HUGE determination in your final outcome. What many who don’t actively compete and/or attend many competitions don’t realize from simply looking at pictures and placings is that the Division of Men’s Physique is a VERY dynamic place and when it all comes down to having so many phenomenal looking competitors on stage.  One of the largest things that makes one person stand out from another isn’t their arms, it isn’t their abs, it isn’t even the hair… It is that poise and presence that you just can’t put your finger on, that “Swag Factor!” When I say “Swag Factor” I am talking about the quality to walk onto stage and just grab peoples eye and make them look at you, this is in a lot of the unseen, non-verbal cues and a big part of it comes from confidence and truly having a great time! We all know someone who can just walk into a room and right from the start has that positive vibe that everyone wants to be around, well that right there is all part of the Swag Factor! Remember that on many of the State Level and for sure the National Level Shows all across the country that EVERYONE has worked hard and looks great and the best way to set yourself apart is to just have a great time and enjoy the stage, it is your time to celebrate!


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