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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Vanessa Leigh Kurtzman

Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Vanessa Leigh Kurtzman

Category you compete in: BikVanessaKurtzmanini - B Class
Date of birth: 4/3/88 - A true Aries
Hometown: Cleveland with my heart in Buffalo
Career: Event Coordinator & ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer

Competition history: I competed for the first time in Spring 2012 in Figure.  I absolutely loved the entire process and being on stage.  It completely changed my outlook on life and made me a stronger individual.  However, I felt my current diet and training was not going to help me reach my goals so I found an amazing trainer & coach, and started prepping for bikini in October 2012.  This spring I stepped on stage for my first NPC bikini competition feeling absolutely amazing and proud of myself and my progress.  I placed 6th out of 20 girls.  I competed in two other competitions this past spring and am currently in off-season working on making some major progress for the future! 

Next competition:  You will see me on stage Fall 2013! Not sure which competitions yet so stay tuned!

What do you feel is the WORST part of contest prep? Easy - not being able to have more than 1 tablespoon of peanut butter per serving! Haha, my addiction to peanut butter is a bit extreme!  I don’t know if this is the worst, but the hardest is the mental struggle.  You have to stay positive in your mind to have success and reach your goals.

Would you please tell us a little about your workout schedule?  I am currently in off season and working on gaining size.  I am at the gym 7 days a week, I lift 5 and do cardio & abs on the my off days.  I do fasted cardio 4 days a week for about 30-45 minutes.  Always interval training - the stairs are my favorite, it can be the devil, but gives the best results!  My week is as follows:

Monday - Glutes & Quads - Heavy
Tuesday - ShouBack Pose RXlders
Wednesday - Bis/Tris/Chest
Thursday - Legs - Hamstrings & Quads - Heavy
Friday - Back
Saturday - Abs
Sunday - Cardio Only

If you had to lose one of your 5 senses, which one would you prefer to lose and why?
This is a tough one but I would have to say my hearing.  My grandma was one of the most amazing women I have ever known and was almost deaf and grew up with a lot of hearing issues.  If she had the strength to get through life without her hearing I know I would be able to also.

If you could change one things about this sport what would it be? Nothing - My passion for this sport and this industry is endless.  I have respect for all of the athletes, it takes a lot of dedication and time.   

If you had a time capsule what would you put inside it and why?
A picture of each person that is close to me - family, friends and my boyfriend.  I love taking and looking at pictures.  These people are the most important in my life and all the memories I have with them mean the world to me.  I would also put my first bikini suit to remind me of the dedication, commitment and strength I overcame to achieve my goals and do what I love.

What is your favorite vacation spot?
Captiva Island in Florida. My family has been going there every year since I was born and there are so many amazing memories!  Best dessert ever at the Bubble Room, definitely a good save for a cheat day. And Myrtle Beach, my boyfriend and I go every year.  It’s the one time a year we can relax and enjoy our time together without any interruptions of our busy lifestyles.

What advice do you have for women who would like to get involved in and compete in the sport of bodybuilding? Stay positive, stay strong and be you.  Okay maybe that was more than one but I have definitely struggled with comparing myself to other girls and it will take over your mind.  Focus on your progress and empower and motivate each other.  Stay dedicated, if it is something you are passionate about you will see results!
What is a day-in-the-life of Vanessa like?
Barely opening my eyes and I walk to turn on my Keurig for coffee, a necessity when I wake up.  Then off to morning cardio.  I make breakfast, usually oats & egg whites (my favorite), then off to work my full-time job as an event coordinator.  My day coVanessa Kurtzman - Front Posensists of answering emails and lots of planning!  I eat every three hours so I am always prepared with my meals.  I cook about 2-3 times a week to have everything ready to go.  After work it’s either off to my second job as a personal trainer, or straight to the gym to lift!  My nights are usually calm especially during the week and usually consist of meal prep or catching up on my favorite shows.  I am not a big party girl, I would much rather stay in, watch a movie and relax.

Favorite Motivational Quote:
“Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.’

“Now if you are going to win any battle you have to make the mind run the body.  Never let the body tell the mind what to do.  The body will always give up.  It is always tired in the morning, noon and night.  But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired.” - George S. Patton

“I’m sorry for the unkind words I spoke out of hunger”

In closing, Who would you like to give a shout out to? My amazing coach and trainer Stephanie who is my biggest motivation!  To my family & friends who continuously support me in everything I do.  And to my boyfriend Luke who gives his endless support even during my “hangry” days.


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