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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Michelle Ackerman

IMG 7412-EditSpotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Michelle Ackerman

Category you compete in:Bikini
Date of birth: 3/10/89
Hometown: Fairfax, VA
Career: Marketing Assistant

Competition history:
·    2012 NPC Jay Cutler Baltimore Classic – 7th
·    2012 NPC GNC Natural Pennsylvania Championships - 1st
·    2012 NPC Shawn Ray Maryland Grand Prix - 1st

Next competition:  Jr. USA’s in Charleston, SC

What do you feel is the WORST part of contest prep? The worst part of contest prep is finding the time to balance your training schedule, work, and personal life.  This sport can sometimes make you feel isolated from the people around you because you are so focused on your training, food prep, and eating on time.  Being able to maintain your life outside of the sport is very important.

Would you please tell us a little about your workout schedule? My workout schedule consists of a balance of weight training and cardio.  During contest prep, I tend to do cardio in the AM and return to the gym later at night to do my weight training.  My workouts are broken up by muscle group and I typically do a booty and/or some kind of plyos workout in addition to that.  I rest one day a week, typically on Sundays.

If you had to lose one of your 5 senses, which one would you prefer to lose and why? I would prefer to lose my sense of smell over any other sense.  I’m the type of person who craves something immediate after I have smelled it.  For example, if I walk past a restaurant, I will want to eat what is cooking.  Not being able to smell would definitely help me to not crave bad food! 

If you could change one thing about this sport what would it be?  I wouldn’t change a thing about this sport.  Since I started competing I have learned a lot about myself and others.  Being in this sport has taught me discipline and I have become stronger person both mentally and physically.  Seeing improvements in my body month to month has also been the most rewarding for me. 

If you had a time capsule what would you put inside it and why?  I would make a scrapbook of my favorite memories, so that I would always have them foi-NRhzKN4r the future! 

What is your favorite vacation spot?  One of my absolute favorite vacation spots is South Beach, Miami.  I love the weather, the atmosphere, and the vibe I get when I’m there.  And of course, I love the beach! 

What advice do you have for women who would like to get involved in and compete in the sport of bodybuilding?  Get ready for a challenge.  If this sport was easy, everyone would be doing it!  Hire an experienced coach and allow them time to get to know your body.  Follow their direction to a T and do not listen to the opinions of others.  Everyone is going to have an opinion, whether they choose to express it or not.  Give it 100% and always put things in perspective.  Remember, this will be a lifestyle change and you will come across many obstacles, but in the end it will all be worthwhile!  Also, never give up and always trust yourself!
What is a day-in-the-life of Michelle like?  Wake up, do AM cardio, get ready for work, pack my meals for the day, go to work, head to the gym for my evening workout, cook dinner, prepare my meals for the next day, then get ready for bed!  In a nutshell… Eat, Train, Sleep, then Repeat!
Favorite Motivational Quote: “Falling in life is inevitable—staying down is optional.”

In closing, who would you like to give a shout out to?  I’d like to give a shout out to my coach, Michelle Johnson, for giving me the guidelines and support that I have needed to become a successful NPC Bikini Competitor.  My mother, family, and close friends, who have stuck by me from the beginning of my journey.  Lastly, to all my teammates on TEAM Knockouts, for their friendships and continued support!


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