Mens Physique Articles

Nutritional Logging to Look Great Year Round

Researchfood log pic consistently shows that nutritional logging is one of the best ways to take control of one’s body weight and body composition. As a personal trainer/Boot Camp instructor, I have seen first-hand that the clients who make the effort to log get the best results! I’ve personally kept a food log for many years and I have found that maintaining or cutting is much easier since the log allows me to analyze my nutritional intake and make specific adjustments accordingly.


What Exactly is EFA?

Do efayou know your DHA from your EPA?  Or your linoleic acid from your linolenic acid?  We have all heard about the importance of consuming enough essential fats in our diet, from both a health and a body composition standpoint.  But do we really know what we should be looking to consume and why?  Well here is the low down on essential fats…


How Much Do You Bench Bro?

PopAdamBonillaSitting quiz for all of you guys who are trying to build muscle out there...

Who is most likely to have a result of more muscular hypertrophy

(increase in muscle size) from the 2 options below?


A: Bench Press - 10 reps at 100 lbs for 4 seconds negative 1 second

positive and 0 transition time 4/1/0


B: Bench Press - 15 reps at 111 lbs for 2 second negative 1 second

positive and 0 transition time 2/1/0


How Did DJ Land This Cover?

Fitness Ironman Coverwas always something I loved and really excelled at. I grew up a three sport athlete, so being physical was what I lived to do. Being a professional baseball player was my only option as a young man. After having a couple major arm surgeries my dream was gone, needless to say I was crushed! Fast forward years later and the love to compete physically was still imbedded in me, so I searched….then I found the fitness industry.


BCAA's vs EAA's

Thatbcaa1 age old question, which is better – BCAA’s or Essential Amino Acids? There are a lot of supplements on the market which are classed as Branched Chain Amino Acids but there is also many supplements classified as Essential Amino Acids, but which one is worth buying? 

BCAA’s: Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s) are comprised of essential amino acids (specifically, valine, leucine and isoleucine).  BCAA’s are needed for the maintenance of muscle tissue and preserve muscle glycogen stores and even may even help to prevent muscle protein breakdown during exercise. 


"Staying Afloat" What Does Putting on the Board Shorts Mean to Me?

 Why johnny johnsondo I compete if it’s not to “WIN” or turn PRO?

The way I live my life is my statement to the world, representing by living values, beliefs, and aspirations.  I’m defined by three core values FAMILY, COUNTRY & HONOR.  

Many things are within control, and some things are out of my control.  Knowing the difference gives two options: Surrender or die trying.

One and a half months out from the Governor’s Cup my knee gives way during a lateral movement.  An MRI and Ultra Sound Reveals a meniscus tear and ACL Tear.


Meet MP Competitor Patrick Mahoney

WithPatrick Mahoney 1 us today is MP Competitor  Patrick Mahoney.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

I have always been interested in Physique sports and had always been interested in competing. When they started the Men's Physique Division I knew it was the perfect opportunity for me.


Can you tell us a little about the show in which you most recently competed? 

The last show I competed in was the 2012 Kentucky Muscle held in November. It was a great show with 35 Men’s Physique Competitors. It gave me the opportunity to compete against a larger field of competitors.


Agility Ladder Training for Men's Physique

Men’sladder 1 Physique competitors are really a hybrid between a Bodybuilder and more “traditional” athlete. One of the things that distinguishes all great athletes who perform with their feet on the ground (as opposed to an athlete such as a cyclist who creates movement from a fixed position) is the ability to move in multiple planes of motion. 



Picking Your Protein

With LeanProMatrixChocBanana5lb (1)new proteins appearing on the market, it is important to know a few facts about each. Nutrition is 70% of the game of when it comes to building a top notch physique so here is a brief rundown of some of the leading proteins on the market. First we take a look at bioavailbility, the measure by which the body is able to absorb and utilize protein once it is absorbed, as well as a few benefits and concerns of each.


Lose the Fur

If razoryou follow the world of fitness, men's physique, bodybuilding, or anything in physical culture long enough, there will come a day when you realize all the fit dude's that grace the magazines, the competition stage, or who just strut their stuff down the beach with sculpted 6 pack abs, all have one thing in common.  They have NO body hair! How can this be? They don't actually shave do they?


Three People that Help You Recover Like A Pro

Whenacupuncture we are all training constantly and pushing our body to its limit, it becomes important to apply some outside healing techniques.  There are specific people that may hold the key to helping you recover more quickly.  Here are a few of the people that I have found particularly helpul.



  Most Andrew Bukowsky - Marchdays have a sunrise and a sunset, but play no significant role in our lives.  There are those few days however, that have such a profound impact on us that we are not likely to ever forget any moment of that day.  These days can be drastically different for each and every one of us, whether it is a wedding day, the birth of a child, or stepping on stage for a fitness competition.  What we need to make sure of is that we cherish each and every one of these moments.


Frosty Gets His Intense Winter Workout

Ifrostynoah hope everyone had an incredible February! I thought I would do something completely different this month and think outside the box for a workout for you. I’m always seeing these great workouts that people down south get to do in the winter while in Michigan I am stuck going to the gym to get my exercise in. So I must apologize in advance to everyone who doesn’t get snow, this workout is not for you. The workout I have for you is completely different than anything you have ever seen published in any exercise journal or RX article, I can guarantee that! 


The Many Benefits of Cinnamon

Most cinnamonof you have added cinnamon to your meal plans and know what a flavor boost it can provide to an often dull and monotonous regimen.  Some of you also recognize the health benefits which cinnamon provides.  This article is directed at individuals who are not aware of the powerful health benefits of this spice.


Meet MP Competitor Devan Pina


Withdevan pina 3 us today is Devan Pina. Congrats on a couple great showings on the MP stage!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?

 -After suffering a motorcycle accident and undergoing surgery, I was told I may never be able to get into the military or police academy because of my injuries. I was also told specifically I would never be able to “Lift weights”… So that is exactly what I decided to do. I got a gym membership in October 2012, attended a bodybuilding show in November and began training in December.


Should I BULK in the Off-Season?

We’ve AJM1PSall had friends from the gym that have too high of a percentage of body fat for their health.  They use the excuse that they are in a “bulking” phase. I’ve seen some guys put on 50 lbs in one off season. But, is this necessary to maximize lean mass gains? Working as a trainer for 13 years I’ve heard 1,000’s of times “in order to grow you have to eat bro!” People go to the extreme to get in extra calories and are taking in Pop-Tarts for post workout and eating McDonalds for a quick calorie heavy meal. Let’s face it most people who are doing this are using “bulking” as an excuse to eat whatever they want and aren’t concerned with two things, first their overall health in terms of saturated fat intake and cholesterol levels and second their net gains. 


A Magic Pill for Obesity?


The obesity picUnited States of America has an obesity problem. In fact, more than one-third of adults and almost 17% of youth are obese. According to the CDC, the rate of obesity has slowed in recent years however it remains an area of concern for a variety of reasons. A few recent studies offer clues on ways to address the obesity epidemic and in many ways these studies reaffirm long held bodybuilding dieting principles. 


Meet MP Competitor Emmanuel Omoniyi


With Emmanuel  Omoniyius today is Emmanuel  Omoniyi.  Congrats on some great showings on the stage!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division? 

I have been doing a lot of weight training for years now, however due to my lean body type (ectomorph). I could not see myself competing in the NPC until Men's Physique was introduced.


Can you tell us a little about the show in which you most recently competed? 

My last show was Eastern's 2012 in Queen's College in New York City. I managed to place 11th out of 34 outstanding competitors.


Tips to Sticking to a Weight Loss Plan


Now 1markthat we are a good ways into the New Year, I hope everyone is still going strong with their resolutions and sticking to their plans.  As many people tend to fall off as the months progress, I’d like to share a few ways you can stay committed and or get started to getting that body you have always wanted. 

I hate using the word “diet” because those never last and people tend to think they are boring.  To be successful with anything you must have a plan, so I like using the terms “weight loss plan” or “lifestyle change” when talking about getting into shape.  Here a few tips to help you stick to your plan and new lifestyle:


Training After 35



Let'sTom Cinzori press downs face it, nothing can be so cruel as time.  When you are young you are filled with energy, on the go and in constant motion.  It is awesome!  You play hard and you crash hard.  Your metabolism is on fire and you can eat like crap day in and day out without bearing any of the consequences.  You can go to the gym and see results almost immediately as your muscles and hormones are primed for growth. However as you get older you get hit with multiple obstacles that take a collective whack at your fitness and health.  Not only does your body naturally start dialing back developing human growth hormone and testosterone, but your bodies become more prone to injury and your ability to build lean muscle becomes more difficult.  Add to that the demands of life as you get older like managing a career, going to school, spending time with your spouse or significant other, taking your kids to practice, and your weekend runs to Home Depot.   No wonder so many people just give up and say the hell with it.  They say, "I don't have the time and my body just does not respond.”


Science versus Bro-Science – Can’t we all just get along!


One Adam Batesof the things I have noticed over the last year or so on social networking sites in particular is the rise to prominence of a new cult.  This cult calls themselves “The Slayers of Bro-Science.”  Who are these people? Are they athletes? Bros? Scientists? Well unfortunately, most of the time they are nothing more than an average gym goer with no industry recognition or scientific background.  They are frequently recycling and often misinterpreting the opinion of more respected trainers or nutritional scientists.  


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