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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Rachel Strout

Spotlight On NPC Bikini Competitor: Rachel Strout


Category you compete in: Bikini.  Aspir2013NPC MH BikOpn E-00039ations for figure farther in the future.

Date of birth: January 12, 1981

Hometown: Lakewood, CO

Career: Owner of a construction company


Competition history: 2012 The Rocky Mountain, 2013 The Mile High

Next competition: Nationals in Ft. Lauderdale, November 2013

What do you feel is the WORST part of contest prep? 

That’s a tough one.  I’d have to say the worst is the time away from friends and family.  Second is definitely diet!  The prep and especially the depletion workouts are exhausting, and even when I’m around my friends and family, I hardly have the energy to really be present mentally or physically.

Would you please tell us a little about your workout schedule?  

Every workout I have is built around time under tension, volume workouts.  When I’m not prepping, I am still in a growing phase to try and round out my glutes and grow my hamstrings.  Usually I do legs twice, sometimes three times a week, depending on the plan my trainer built for me.  Upper body is parted out to chest/shoulders and back/arms.  I tend to stay lean and muscular in that area, so I have plenty of time to devote to legs!  Each workout is approximately 40-60 minutes long, and includes 6-8 workouts, with half being superset.

During contest prep, it can really change from week to week, as my trainer is constantly checking in and making slight modifications.  This last contest, I still trained with a volume technique.  We focused on the basic muscle groupings; lifting 5 times a week, cardio on one of those days, plus one day of abs/cardio, then a rest day.  However, I did not lift to full capacity, as it was considered a depletion workout for that last couple of weeks.    

If you had2013NPC MH BikOpn E-00031 to lose one of your 5 senses, which one would you prefer to lose and why?

Wow, I don’t like this question!  I love my senses!  I suppose the easiest one to live without would be smell.  Even though I love the smell of so many things, and its so closely related to memory, I would give it up to enjoy the other four fabulous senses, thinking that all four would work in perfect unison so that I would forget all about my nose.  And, during cutting, I won’t have to endure the awesome smells of carb-loaded food, like BREAD!

If you could change one thing about this sport what would it be?

Since I’m still fairly new to the sport, I don’t know exactly what I would change right away.  From my short experience, however, I think that I would like to change the way its judged.  As a competitor, you try your best and hope that the judging panel will fairly grade your body in comparison to others.  As a spectator, I’ve seen people get booed as soon as they placed, because they were literally not as muscular, well-rounded, or whatever the standard was.  I’ve seen it happen a few times, and I’m baffled as to why one person placed ahead of the other when they clearly didn’t have the “ideal body type” for their class.  I try not to think about it, though, as a competitor.  I’ve heard rumblings that this is where politics can play a large part, and I just try not to even think about that, because I’m so new to this, I just want to be my physical best, and put my best intentions out there.  I also realize stage presence plays a role, so perhaps that’s why judging turns out the way it does.

If you had a time capsule, what would you put inside it and why?

My trampoline and bicycle I had when I was a kid for sure! (If they were to fit) Those toys kept me busy and were a great way to channel my high energy.  I’d also put pictures of my family and friends at some of our most memorable special events, so that I can one day look back and remember the people that meant the most to me, and were closest to me.  I’d put a bible in there, because I was raised in the Christian faith, and it’s a part of who I am; my mom would like that. Last, I’d put my first competition bikini in there, too!

What is your favorite vacation spot?

So far, my most favorite vacation spot has been Hawaii.  I haven’t really traveled to many of the destinations I’ve dreamed about, but my husband and I really want to go to Costa Rica.  When we make it there, I think that will bePRE 1023 my new favorite!  I love the water and want to surf again…SOON!  Hiking, biking and zip-lining are some of the things that make vacations fun, so I try to envision spots that will offer those activities. 

What advice do you have for women who would like to get involved in and compete in the sport of bodybuilding?

Envision the goal and stick to it!  If you think you want to try and compete, then train for it and don’t give up.  I had a lot of support along the way, but there were a few people who tried to down me more than once.  I already had it ingrained in my mind I wanted to try it at least once, and that’s what I did.  At that point, it’s really about proving it to YOURSELF that you can achieve your goals, manage your time, control your diet, etc.  Leading into it, a lot of it is about vanity, “I want to look this way or that…,” but really getting into it, it’s more about health, strength, ability, etc.  

Also, give back as soon as you can.  You quickly become a role model for those around you, and some people you don’t even know.  Encourage them.  There’s a lot of fit and fabulous people, but there can never be just one, so be kind to others and lift them up with encouraging words, or offer to spot someone; tell them they look good when you see their efforts pay off.  The positive energy you put forth into other people inevitably comes back around to you tenfold.

 What is a day-in-the-life of Rachel Strout like?

Busy!  And I don’t even have kids!  My husband and I wake up early, like 5:30am everyday (even onPRE 0978 1 weekends, boo).  Eat a healthy breakfast and head to the gym.  Then its immediately either off to work, meetings, getting materials, banking, grocery shopping, taking the dog to daycare…the list goes on.  I try to plan my day, but owning a business, the schedule can get immediately interrupted with numerous distractions.  

Even our off-days and weekends are full.  Our lives have been truly blessed, especially over the last couple of years.  Because of it, we try to attend as many events as our friends, family, customers, vendors and gym friends invite us to.  I like meeting new people and staying in touch with as many as I can.  Often times, life just throws me a daily curveball, and I try to roll with it!  I try to stay positive, and put my mind on something else, and it usually turns out that way.  

Favorite Motivational Quote: 

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened

~ Happiness never decreases by being shared

~ The Buddha

In closing, Who would you likPRE 1305 1e to give a shout out to?

My husband, Jeremiah!  He has ALWAYS encouraged and believed in me; still does.  Not that anyone else didn’t encourage me, but even before I started this journey, he was always there to encourage and push me to challenge myself physically.  He was there from day one.  He’s so thoughtful and always tells me I’m beautiful.  When I roll my eyes, he says that he tells me those things because he wants to, not because he has to, and I love him so much for it!


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