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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight
Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

Ashley Stoden, who won her IFBB Pro card in Figure AND Women's Physique at the Team Universe, joins Dave Palumbo on an all-new ep [ ... ]



Spotlight On: Siliana Gaspard

Spotlight On: Siliana Gaspard


Category you compete in: Bikinieuropadanray13

Date of birth: 10/06/1987

Hometown: Sofia, Bulgaria

Career: Blessed to be Self-Employed!


Competition history: Branch Warren July 2011 (2nd place), Dallas Europa Super Show August 2011 (1st place and Overall in Bikini)


Next competition: IFBB North American Championships in Cleveland, OH- September 2-3, 2011.



What do you feel is the WORST part of contest prep?

I honestly can’t complain! I mean, sure it is hard, and you have to stay motivated and dedicated for weeks in order to get competition ready, but I don’t really “dread” anything about contest prep. I know a lot of people hate the dieting aspect of it, but I think I’ve been blessed with good genetics to where my diet doesn’t have to be so strict. (I know, don’t hate me) If I had to really pick something that I could do without, it would have to be the extra water intake. The last week especially, it seems like I’m waking up every couple hours of the night to use the restroom. It would be nice to be able to get a solid 8 hours that last week.


Would you please tell us a little about your workout schedule? I’m lucky enough to not have a 9-5 job that would make it hard for me to get to the gym, so my work out schedule is pretty flexible. On average, I probably get in the gym 5 days a week. It really just depends on how my body is doing and recovering that week. I can’t give you a good run down of what I do in the gym because it changes all of the time due to my body adapting so quickly, we’re always changing it up to keep the results coming. One thing that does stay constant however, are squats. I squatted today actually. My max squat was 275lbs for 12 reps! We also have a land mine at home, and I’ve just recently learned to LOVE that thing. It literally works every muscle in your body, even the little ones that rarely get worked; it kills me, I’m literally dripping in sweat throughout the whole work out, but I love it.


If you had to lose one of your 5 senses, which one would you prefer to lose and why?

I would have to pick sense of smell. I’ve been told I have a nose like a blood hound, and I wouldn’t mind living life without its unusual, sometimes unpleasant fragrances. Imagine going to gym and NOT having to smell the guy who forgot deodorant…suddenly, your work out just got better.


Europa 078If you could change one things about this sport what would it be?

Spray Tanning. Oh my goodness, spray tanning. Although I love the way I look all bronzed up and golden, the route to get that way is no fun. The spray is so cold when they spray you, then you have to sit under the fans for awhile, where it’s even colder. It gets all over your clothes, your car, your sheets. You have to be so careful with the tan too, when you go to sleep, go to the bathroom, or sometimes even just sitting down, if it’s not completely dry, you can give yourself weird tan lines. If only they could come up with another method, I would be so grateful.

If you had a time capsule what would you put inside it and why? Books. Lots and lots of books. Literature is so important, and books tell our time better than anything else ever could. If anyone ever found it, they could learn everything about our society today just from reading books.


What is your favorite vacation spot? I love Los Angeles, Venice Beach, Santa Monica, all of those places are awesome, and they each offer their own uniqueness. San Diego is an amazing city too. Moving to the other coast, Miami, Tampa, West Palm, all great cities that each offer something different from the next. Nothing really beats going “home” to Bulgaria though. Being in a different culture, seeing my family, where I came from, that’s got to be one of the best feelings I’ve experienced on vacation.


What qaaaadvice do you have for women who would like to get involved in and compete in the sport of bodybuilding? Get the right people to help you. Take your time in researching trainers, nutritionists, posing coaches. I think many women are initially so clueless about the sport that they don’t realize how much really goes into contest prep, and they come under prepared. I was completely clueless about a lot of aspects of it at first, but I have a tremendous support group, all of who bring years of knowledge to the table. Another thing to do, study photos of the girls who do well at shows repeatedly to see what they do that makes them great, take more time practicing your posing, and stay committed and motivated- better come over prepared then under prepared.


What is a day-in-the-life of Siliana Gaspard like?

It is never the same, haha! The only thing that stays constant is the gym. You can be sure to catch me at the gym, or in my garage doing the land mine. Other than that, GOOD LUCK! My day is never planned out- I sit down in the morning while drinking my coffee and go over my To-Do list, then I execute my day as well as possible to get everything done on the list. I’m a perfectionist so after the gym, its go go go until I scratch everything off of that list.


Favorite Motivational Quote: My friend, Tanya Davis, posted this on her Facebook page, and I think of it every time I feel like I am giving less than 100% at the gym... “I will do what others won’t today, so that I will accomplish what others won’t tomorrow.”


In closing, Who would you like to give a shout out to?DSC 0192

Wooooohooooo Shout Outs! I’d like to start with my mom and dad for creating me, my mom for giving “the look” and always being supportive, and my dad for teaching me to be athletic from a very young age.

My older brother, Daniel. He’s always jokingly talking smack, but it fuels my motivation, and I love it.

Charles Glass, my trainer, for giving me an awesome, tailored work out program, Aaron Reed, my nutritionist, for working with me to get me on a diet that works, and Tatiana Koshman, my posing coach, who gave me a lot of advice, worked with me extensively on posing, and came to the Europa to see her disciple take the Overall title.

Lastly, but definitely not least, my husband and son. They are my constant support team, my “go-to guys” when I need a boost. My husband is alongside me every step of the way to keep me motivated when I need it most. Whether it’s spotting me squatting 275lbs, or 100lbs, or just being in the audience at a show, he is always there for me.



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