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From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight
From Obesity & Depression To World Class Physique : Monique Cormier : RX Spotlight

Monique Cormier, who has overcome obesity and severe depression en route to becoming a world class amateur bodybuilder, joins Dave  [ ... ]

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Went PRO In Figure & Women's Physique in SAME SHOW! Ashley Soden Interview | RX Spotlight

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Spotlight On: Tasha Cameron


Spotlight On: Tasha Cameron

Tasha3Category you compete in: Bikini

Date of birth: 6/12/78

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Career: Advertising/Media Director (until I started to compete seriously). Since I give 100% to everything I do, I felt I couldn't be the best at my career and be the best competitor I could be, so I had to choose what I wanted to do. I LOVE competing and training so I decided to focus all of my attention on competing and quit my job.


If you could change into a superhero for a day who would you be and why? I don't even have to think twice about this answer.Laughing I was just recently at Six Flags waiting in line for the Superman ride and what else is there to do while you're waiting than read the Super Hero descriptions they have for all the Superman Movie characters. So, Superwoman stood out to me. She's tall, gorgeous, RIPPED, and although the description on her puts her at a slightly anorexic weight, I'm thinking WOW, all those buildings she lifts really pays off. This chick looks great!!


What made you begin dedicating your lifestyle to this sport? It was kind of by accident that I started to train to compete. My whole life people would come up to me and comment on my arms or my legs being so muscular. I use to hate it when strangers would ask how long I spend in the gym because I never worked out. Honestly, before I thought about competing I never lifted weights because I thought my arms and legs would get even bigger and people would comment even more. Well, a friend of mine introduced me to a trainer who insisted I lift weights, and OMG, much to my amazement, it didn't make me bulk up! Who'd of known? With this exciting revelation, my husband is the one who convinced me to look into competing. We went to watch a show first, and after the show was over I just KNEW this is definitely what I want to do. Once I started to train with a purpose and competed in my first competition, it was in my blood. I am no longer embarrassed when strangers comment on my muscles. I actually get excited that people notice I'm different. Now, I'm just happy to be a national competitor and improve myself with every competition.


Tasha 4What approach do you take to dieting...carb cycle..keto? Balance would describe my approach. I feel it's so important to have the right balance of carbs, fats, and proteins so your body can feel it's best and therefore look it's best.


What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about competing?

Since I'm in the Bikini Division, I feel the biggest misconception is that we don't work as hard on our physique as some of the other NPC divisions. A lot of people think all you need to be is a pretty face to step on stage. Although, physical appearance does play a big role in bikini, it's just as hard for us to do 2 hours of cardio and an hour of weights everyday leading up to our competition. We have to diet and push ourselves just as hard to get the physique the judges are looking for.

What is your most embarrassing childhood memory? Can you believe I still cringe when I think of this...

So my family and I went to an amusement park when I was around 8. They had this live entertainment there of kids and adults dancing to the oldies in front of a very large crowd. My dad thought it would be funny if he told me the performers needed kids to go on stage and dance. So, I'm thinking cool, and walk right up on stage and start to dance with the performers. The performers looked shocked when I got on stage and started to dance, but they played it off like this was supposed to happen. Well, I didn't know until after the dance number was over that I wasn't supposed to be on stage and that my dad was just joking. I felt so embarrassed and ridiculous for being on stage, but then I thought, how cool I am for just dancing in front of hundreds of people.

Tasha5What is the biggest lesson you have learned about YOURSELF during your contest prep? I've learned that I'm capable of more than I give myself credit for and how to get out of my own head when negative thoughts come up. I'm pretty sure all competitors go through the "oh my gosh, what if's..."  You can fill in the "what if's" with whatever, but some of mine are what if I don't place, what if I'm not the right weight, what if...blah blah blah. These are all things I have no control over. So learning how to let these thoughts go is something I'm definitely getting better at. I know I've worked hard and done everything my coaches have told me to do. These are the things I have control over. So letting the negative thoughts go and having fun with the sport are what I try to concentrate on. When I stay positive and have fun, I know all of my "what if's" will disappear and everything will fall into place.

Who do you look up and admire and why? I look up to all of my IFBB Pro Bombshell sisters. Where they are is where I want to be. I know the sacrifice and dedication it takes to be where they are. Looking at them makes me push harder and strive to be a better competitor.


Competition history:

2011 NPC Bikini Championships - 5th Place Class C (Las Vegas, NV)

2011 NPC Pittsburg Bikini - 2nd Place Class B (Pittsburg, PA)

2011 NPC Metropolitan Bikini - 6th Place Class A (New York, NY)

2011 NPC Atlantic USA Bikini - 1st OVERALL Class B (Atlanta, GA)

2010 NPC Eastern Seaboard Bikini - 2nd Place Class B (Atlanta, GA)

2009 NPC Excalibur Bikini - 3rd Place Class C (Culver City, CA)

Tasha2Next competition:

September 3rd - North American Bikini Championships


Favorite Motivational Quote:

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


Who would you like to thank?

I would love to thank Ty "Ropeman" Felder and 501 Fitness for their inspiring workouts and support.  And also, Shannon Dey, Rob Rosetti, and all my Bombshell sisters for their coaching, motivation, and support. I couldn't be where I am today without all of you! Thank you so much for being in my life!!

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