

It's Showtime!

It's Showtime!!!

rx blog2Hi Everyone!!

Well, it's about that time.  The big showdown of the year is finally here! In less than 24 hours I will be in the lineup for prejudging to go out on the Olympia stage.  I can't believe it is finally here!  I arrived in Vegas last night, and now that I am here I feel I can BREATHE :)  That kind of feeling is always good and refreshing to have.  The last few weeks since the Phoenix Pro have been crazy for me! I had a lot of schoolwork to catch up on (from Phoenix), and lots to catch up on for the Olympia and my travels to India next week.  But I got through it, and I am here and ready!!!:-)  What got me through my overloaded days, when I thought there was no way I can get it all done was this saying, "The rough is only mental." which is totally true!! When facing with obstacles, you have to look down on them rather than up at them.  This gives you the power and control over them.  I have to admit, it definitely worked for me!!:)

Now that my mind is clear, I can now get into my mental mind zone and focus for the big day ahead!! 
For everyone competing tomorrow in the Olympia, good luck to you all!!!

Until next time!!:-)
Xoxo Candice

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