Drop It Like It's Hot


Summers2 is around the corner!  You may have slacked off the last few months but don’t panic.  Here are three easy tips that require you to do some dropping of your own.

1. Drop the carbohydrates!

If you’re trying to bring your best, whether or not you’re out of shape or in shape, dropping the carbohydrates will put a little extra gas in the tank on the way to your lean physique.  A 2008 study  published in the journal Hepatology found those who stuck to a low carbohydrate diet lost on average a little over  9.7 pounds within 2 weeks, having an increased fat burn over those who stuck to a low calorie diet and even burning fat off the liver which has been associated with different ailments, including obesity and diabetes.  The low carbohydrate group were restricted to less than 20/g per day.  Having been on a low to zero carbohydrate diet myself, I can tell you it is no easy task, but the results are undeniable!

2. Drop Sets

If you’re new to the world of lifting weights this may be foreign to you. Performing drop sets is a technique whereby you perform a particular weighted exercise to failure and immediately upon failure drop the weight until you reach failure again. This can be a useful technique to use on your last set of your workout in order to push past failure.  Not only have I personally noticed excellent results using this technique, studies have shown employing forced reps results in higher testosterone, growth hormone, and as a result, higher fat burn!

3. Drop it to the Floor

The almighty squat is one of the best workouts you can do to accelerate fat burn!  Squatting employs the largest muscle in the body, the gluteus maximus and the longest, the sartorius, part of the thigh.  Of course it employs the full range of muscles in the legs, as well as the abdominals and lower back, making it king of exercises when it comes to burning fat.  Studies have shown, similar to drop sets, that squatting also produces an increase in growth hormone and testosterone!

Lastly, for the ladies out there, don’t worry about the talk of testosterone and growth hormone increasing and aiding in weight loss – you will not look like the next Arnold.  Women have only a fraction of testosterone in their body;  15-70 ng/dl as compared to men 200-1200 ng/dl, so regardless of how hard you’re going, you will not be sporting Stallone like biceps or Ferrigno like quads this summer.  Follow these tips and you’ll have your best body before you know it and summer has come and gone yet again.

[1] Browning, J. D., Weis, B., Davis, J., Satapati, S., Merritt, M., Malloy, C. R. and Burgess, S. C. (2008), Alterations in hepatic glucose and energy metabolism as a result of calorie and carbohydrate restriction. Hepatology, 48: 1487–1496. doi: 10.1002/hep.22504

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